The Power of a Shorter Job Application

A lengthy job application can drive away top talent, leading to a smaller and less qualified applicant pool. Research shows that excessive application steps increase drop-off rates, reducing your chances of finding the right hire. A shorter, streamlined application process improves completion rates, enhances the candidate experience, and helps you attract more qualified applicants. Learn how ExactHire’s ATS simplifies applications while maintaining quality, ensuring you never miss out on great talent.

Employee Recognition

The Fall season has officially begun, and that means the holiday season is on the horizon. With the hustle and bustle of seasonal events, this is a prime opportunity for company leadership to show their gratitude for their employees who work diligently to help the company achieve its goals.  Inflation and other rising costs make it more challenging to effectively show gratitude through financial means. But there are other opportunities for employee recognition! While employees appreciate financial rewards, monetary gifts are not the only way for company leadership to show gratitude.  Depending on the financial status of an organization, consider tokens of appreciation in addition or in lieu of financial rewards. Here are ten no-cost or low-cost employee appreciation methods to consider.

Adapting Your DEI Efforts for the Fall Season

Results from a 2023 Pew Research survey show that approximately 56% of working Americans support diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the work environment. DEI promotes problem solving through different perspectives, employee and consumer loyalty, and boosts overall profits. When DEI components are integrated into the work environment, it offers opportunities for co-workers to learn more about the various cultures and traditions that are integral parts of employees’ lives. When employees have a better understanding of each others’ values and cultural upbringing, it can mold the work environment into a more cohesive, team-centered union.  With the fall season upon us, here are some ways to incorporate holidays and cultural events into your DEI initiatives. 

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Fall

Leadership teams inside an organization understand that building a quality product and/or delivering an exemplary service experience are not enough to be competitive in today’s global market.  Wise leaders know that consumers and employees seek more fulfillment and want to know that their time and money go to companies who contribute to the betterment of […]

Navigating the Holiday Planning Process

Although it is still summer, many employees’ minds are starting to think of cooler days and winter holidays. Eleven holidays, many religious based, are in the month of December alone. As winter holidays rapidly approach, it often means an influx of employees requesting time off to celebrate or to use any last paid time off […]

Preparing for End-of-Year Performance Reviews: Best Practices

Although it is technically still summer for a few more weeks, it is not too early for managers to shift their thoughts to the completion of crucial tasks. Employee end-of-the-year performance reviews fall in this category. End-of-the-year performance reviews are highly important feedback sessions for both the employee and manager in the quest to strengthen […]

Remote Internships

Internships offer a myriad of benefits, along with some unique challenges, to the students who complete them and for the companies who host them. Internships provide a practical way for students to acquire and refine knowledge centered on their professional path, and companies get a first-hand opportunity to review and mold potential talent for their […]

Back to School: Balancing Parental Responsibilities and Work

As the summer draws to a close, parents and guardians face the annual transition of sending their children back to school. This period can bring a mix of excitement and anxiety, as families adjust to new routines, schedules, and responsibilities. For working parents, balancing the demands of a career with parental duties can be particularly […]

Remote Work and Summer Travel

As I write this blog, I am working at my elderly parents’ home, hours away from my home office, while they are out running errands. After I finish work, my gears will shift from employee-mode to daughter-mode. Where I will assist with tasks for which they need my in-person help. At the end of the […]

Mid-Year Performance Reviews

Human Resources professionals and managers are well-versed on the annual performance evaluation process, but they may have challenges including another integral piece of the employee review process: mid-year performance reviews.  Both mid-year and annual reviews are essential to the growth and development of the employee which impacts the company’s profitability.  It is crucial to have […]

Managing Time Off Requests

Kids are not the only people who count the days to summer vacation…adults have their own countdown as well. June, July, and August, in addition to December due to its many holidays, are the months when employees request time off more than any other time of the year. Federal holidays that might yield a day […]

Navigating the Hybrid Work Landscape

Having trouble attracting applicants to apply for your hybrid or remote positions? ExactHire offers outsourced hiring services for an affordable, flat fee that can improve your hiring results and save your team dozens of hours and thousands of dollars. Explore Full Service Hiring   Many employees were thrust into working from home during the COVID […]

Who Needs Full Service Hiring?

Full Service Hiring can be a huge help to HR teams. HR professionals tasked with recruitment know how difficult it is to find and hire the right talent. They are often pulled here, there, and everywhere to collaborate with other departments — someone always needs HR’s help! Unfortunately, this often results in recruitment activities that […]

The Art of Delegation

How many times have you heard a coworker say, “But it is easier if I do it myself!”?  Or are you the employee that says that?  We’ve all said that statement at one point in time, but if we are regularly saying that it is easier to do things ourselves instead of delegating responsibilities to […]

What is Full Service Hiring?

Finding talent to fill job openings within an organization is not an easy task. Most human resources professionals can attest to this. Candidly, the recruitment process can be a hassle. Full Service Hiring can greatly help with these issues! Technology can simplify recruitment tasks and processes, but this does not guarantee the desired results. Hiring […]