4 Ways to Support Women in the Workforce

Happy 2023!

Often, as the new year rolls in, people proclaim that the new year consists of 365 days of new opportunities, and that is a valid statement. Unfortunately for many women, the new year continues to pose workplace challenges that did not end on December 31st.

Let’s take a look at the new year from a mathematical view.

A typical calendar year is 365 days. The average full-time employee will work approximately 260 of those 365 days, or roughly 71% of the year.  According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, women earned 83.1% compared to men’s earnings in 2021. This is down 1% from data collected in 2020.

Looking at this wage differential, women would need to work almost 45 more days a year to earn what men do in a calendar year. Not so much of a happy new year.

So let’s take a better look at what your company can do to better support the women at your company.

Women would need to work almost 45 more days a year to earn what men do in a calendar year.

Women in the workforce are often held to superheroic, unrealistic standards of excellence. They are expected to be stellar employees who work constantly to earn “exceeds expectations” on their performance evaluations. Many do this while also being a logistics coordinator in their home, maintaining their households and providing care to their loved ones.

With these pressures and expectations, it is no surprise that burnout in women is rising faster than in men. The pandemic unfortunately exacerbated these factors. Many women were forced to make hard decisions that have impacted the global business market. Women are leaving the work world at a faster rate than men, and they are also less likely to fill leadership positions.

In October 2022, McKinsey and Company, in partnership with LeanIn.org, released its latest “Women in the Workplace” study. The report is a must-read for any organization. The findings spotlight challenges that organizations must identify and overcome to provide women with the resources for success.

Employers need to be vocal advocates for women in the workplace. They can do this by creating a supportive, mentoring environment. One that invests in opportunities for women to demonstrate their tenacity. This post will provide four key ways, for an organization to support women in the workforce.

1.) Focus on Leadership Opportunities

Women earn more than half of the college and advanced degrees awarded in the United States. Women hold 23% of executive positions, 29% of senior management positions, 37% of manager positions, 42% of professional positions, and 47% of support staff positions globally. Why are there not more women in leadership positions?

Multiple studies have yielded similar results. There is a predominant assumption that women are not interested in leadership roles. Often times, though, leadership and advancement are not discussed with women in employee/supervisor meetings. And unlike men, women are not as likely to apply for a role unless they feel they are completely qualified for it.

Nonlinear Career Paths

Data shows that it is getting harder for women to rejoin the workforce because employers are questioning gaps on women’s resumes. This leads to selecting individuals, often men, who do not have employment gaps. Employers should become open to employment opportunities with women who have nonlinear career paths. This will increase the talent pool dramatically, while also enhancing it with talent that is resilient, determined, and more than capable.

Entry-Level Management Roles

Organizational leaders need to create goals to recruit and promote women on all levels starting with a focus on entry-level management. McKinsey identified that for every 100 men who are promoted from entry-level roles to manager positions, only 87 women are promoted, and only 82 women of color are promoted. As a result, men significantly outnumber women at the manager level. As advancement continues, there is still a lack of women in the promotion queue eventually to the point where there are not enough women available for promotion to senior leadership positions.

Unconscious Bias

Jobs posted in an organization’s Applicant Tracking System (ATS) should be gender neutral and evaluated to ensure there is no unconscious bias that implies a job is better suited for a specific gender. Make sure all employment applications use language that is non-discriminatory.

When an organization emphasizes recruitment, retention and promotion of women, it expands their talent pool, It also recognizes highly skilled contributors that personify talent in the workplace. Growing internal talent fosters a commitment between employees and the employer. This results in reduced training costs and quicker time to productivity as talent is already acclimated to the company’s culture. Implementing these changes can help to support women in the work place.

2.) Provide Support Resources

Since March 2021, 28% of women with children under 18 in the household have temporarily or permanently left the workforce to become a primary caregiver to children compared to 10% of men. The cost of childcare is one of the top reasons women leave the workplace. Approximately 55% of families report spending at least $10,000 annually on childcare. Organizations who offer childcare and elder care assistance are more likely to retain women. Providing extended leave time with the ability for the employee to return to a similar role helps eliminate concerns of unemployment.

DEI Initiatives

Women tend to be more involved in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives and seek to foster an inclusive nature. McKinsey’s study revealed that approximately 50% of women say their manager regularly encourages respectful behavior on their team, and less than half say their manager shows interest in their career and helps them manage their workload. Organizations need to provide training and resources to managers so they can become stronger leaders instead of managers. Management needs to be cognizant of their team’s needs. Identify where challenges are manifesting and openly discuss internal and external resources to facilitate women’s evolution within their jobs.

Strengthen Relationships

Setting weekly or bi-weekly check-ins is a way to strengthen the professional relationship. Open communication with managers helps women convey concerns, proactively identify signs of burnout, and evaluate workload manageability. The past two years have lit the fuse to ignite a population of employees experiencing burnout. Providing managers with the skill set they need to identify ways to motivate, encourage and mentor their teams will benefit everyone. Women seek employers that support the whole employee, at and outside of work.

3.) Resolve Inequalities

Pay transparency increases trust among employees in an organization if men and women are earning parallel wages. This kind of equity shows a commitment to providing fair compensation to the individual regardless of any protected classification and that compensation is based on the responsibilities of the job and tenets of proven success. Pay equity validates that gender is irrelevant; pay is relative to performance and job duties. When a company provides transparency and equity in pay, it is more likely to retain top performers along with keeping and growing women with leadership potential.

Unconscious Bias

Create a work environment that is amicable, not adversarial, towards women. This will continue to support women at work. In the past two years, women have been 1.5 times as likely, compared to men in parallel roles, to leave a job to move to a company that was more committed to DEI initiatives. Ensure that employees understand conscious and unconscious bias, and provide resources to remove bias internally. Gender bias is defined as preferring one gender more than another. Women are often subject to various microaggressions such as being interrupted in meetings and decisions being questioned.


Women of color, disabled women, and LGBTQ+ individuals are more susceptible to being the recipient of micro-aggressions. Discrimination impedes productivity and prevents employees from demonstrating their full potential. Communicate and uphold policies that exclaim that discrimination will not be tolerated.

When teammates can appreciate others’ unique characteristics and talents, the work environment becomes more positive and productive resulting in an employer brand that radiates “this is the best place to work”. Eliminating discrimination will also aid in supporting women at work.

4.) Flexibility

Wearing that superhero cape can be daunting. When an organization instills a flexible work environment, the organization empowers employees to take ownership of tasks and responsibilities.  It also shows that they trust that the work can and will be done. Remote work is not just about removing commute times and providing convenience. McKinsey’s study showed that women who work remotely for part of their work schedule experience fewer micro-aggressions and higher levels of psychological safety.

Psychological Safety

According to Forbes, psychological safety is the ability to show and employ one’s self without fear of negative consequences of self-image, status or career. They feel more comfortable doing their tasks and can complete responsibilities. They don’t need to look over their shoulder or validate their decisions compared to working in-person.

Unfortunately, women who work remotely are at higher risk to be overlooked for promotions and to receive public praise for success. Mentorships are proven means to help employees grow professionally. These and are more often provided to onsite employees as compared to virtual employees. Being remote should not eliminate this professional development opportunity. Virtual female employees should have equal opportunity to establish and maintain professional mentorships.

Performance Reviews

Remote women employees have a higher risk of not receiving proper accolades for successful results. This is because of the “out of sight, out of mind” concept. Performance reviews are often a factor in evaluating current talent for promotions.  At performance evaluation time, it is essential that tasks and results are the items measured – not work location and gender. If managers favor onsite employees’ work compared to remote work, managers are succumbing to bias.

As the new year commences, organizations need to evaluate their strategies in place to assist women in the workforce. Companies that take a genuine interest in the professional development of the women work population will exude success through successful recruitment and higher retention of contributing talent to experience heightened productivity. Women seek a work environment that fuels their internal fire for their ambition. Let this fire burn!

ExactHire Full Service Hiring

At ExactHire, we have a proven process to help employers increase their volume of qualified candidates and quickly hire new employees. Our team takes care of writing and posting job ads, screening applicants, and interviewing candidates. Then we deliver you a list of qualified candidates from which to hire.

If you are a company that needs to grow, but don’t have the time or resources to hire, then allow ExactHire to help!

Contact us here to let us help you hire today!

How to Negotiate Salary

There’s no denying that some people are not comfortable negotiating their salaries after the job search is over and they’ve already landed an opportunity. Some applicants find negotiating salary as a jeopardizing move to the opportunity they’ve gained.

A survey by Salary.com showed that 38% of people negotiate their salaries while 18% never do. Worse yet is that 44% of respondents acknowledged they have never brought up the topic of a salary raise during performance reviews and appraisal exercises.

When exploring the leading hindrance towards negotiating for a salary raise, we realized it was fear. Most people were afraid of losing the opportunities they worked for. Worse yet, most employees are afraid of getting embroiled in arguments and corporate politics that they’re bound to lose.

Regardless of the reason, failing to negotiate for a salary is bad, but fearing to do so is even worse.

Tips on How to Negotiate Salary

Below we list some strategies and best practices you can use to negotiate your salary.

1.) Know your value

Knowing your value is the first step in negotiating your salary or payment. Always ask for a fair salary for a fair effort. To get the salary you deserve, you need to identify the pay scale of your specific position, in a specific industry, and geographic area.

If you walk into a salary negotiation table without a specific number, you’ll be at the mercy of an experienced HR manager who’ll control the conversation.

So, it’s always advisable to do your due diligence and research keenly to know how much professionals in your specific sector and position earn before negotiating salary.

2.) Talk to recruiters

Another way to research salary negotiations is to pick calls from recruiters. Recruiters know how much people in your industry and position are worth. Recruiters work with a diverse network of professionals, applicants, and job seekers.

So, if someone engages you with a job offer, inquire about the duties, responsibilities, and pay for that position. While you may not obtain a specific number, a pay range is helpful.

3.) Build your case

It’s advisable to demonstrate why you need a specific salary or pay range than just simply quoting figures. That means that once you receive a salary offer, don’t just counter the offer with a higher amount.

Instead, let your research, inspiration, and reasons for a specific salary center on why you think you deserve a particular sum. List your strengths, experience, and qualifications. Build a solid case for why your salary should be reviewed to a higher figure.

4.) Set the bar higher

While negotiating salary, you may be tempted to pick an average offer that seems fiscally convenient or affordable to your employer and great for you as a starter. Don’t be afraid to ask for the best offer.

5.) Know the exact number

Researchers at Columbia Business School say you should ask for a specific number when negotiating your salary – say $75,667 instead of $75,000. It turns out that when job applicants or potential employees ask for a specific salary, they’re likely to get the final offer closer to what they’re hoping for.

That’s because the employer will think you’ve extensively researched salary and pay range to reach that specific figure. So, quoting salaries instead of offering particular ranges gives the impression that you’re aware of salary ranges for specific positions.

6.) Be willing to walk away

When negotiating your salary, set a quote that represents a minimum figure that you’re willing to forego the position if this figure is not attained. This salary figure could be based on market conditions, financial need, or even a desire to feel good about what you’re bringing home. While walking away from a seemingly lucrative offer may not be easy, it’s critical to know when to do it – and always feel powerful to say ‘no’

7.) Make sure you’re ready!

Ask yourself a few questions before asking for a salary raise.

Have you taken on a few responsibilities since employment? Have you been at work for a year? Do you have a culture of exceeding expectations rather than just meeting them? What special qualifications, skills, or experiences do you have that set you apart?

The answer to all these questions must be ‘yes’ when negotiating for higher pay.

8.) Plan right

It turns out that timing is the perfect thing to do. However, most employees wait until performance review seasons to ask for a pay raise, but by that time, your boss has already decided and outlined what raises will be doled out to specific employees.

Start talking to your boss about salary increments three or four months before appraisals. The bosses decide the budget three to four months before they dole out any pay increments.

9.) Perks and benefits

It’s advisable to factor in perks and benefits when negotiating your salary. That’s because salary negotiation often includes some give-and-take on employee benefits. It’s less costly for an employer to offer flexible work schedules, vacation days, and work-from-home benefits than higher salaries.

So, negotiating your salary goes beyond negotiating your financial or fiscal status. It involves identifying non-fiscal factors like schedules, plans, and programs that best fit your lifestyle, interests, hobbies, and continued professional development.

10.) Know when to wrap it up!

Lastly, know when to wrap it up during salary negotiations. While a reasonable employer or boss won’t withdraw an offer just because you tried to get a higher deal, dragging out the salary negotiation process may disgruntle the hiring manager and begin the relationship on a poor note.

So, if the company can’t meet your salary requirements after a few negotiations, it’s advisable to withdraw and seek better opportunities that meet your compensation expectations.

Otherwise, dragging out salary negotiations may prove counterproductive and potentially jeopardize your offer – no matter how lucrative.


ExactHire is a leading provider of  best-in-class hiring solutions. ExactHire provides robust and versatile hiring and onboarding software to help employers manage the recruitment and onboarding process easily.

ExactHire Full Service Hiring is a great option for employers who don’t have the time or resources to manage an internal hiring process–let our team advertise your open positions, manage applicant communications, screen candidates based on your criteria, and then deliver you qualified best-fit candidates.



How to Reach Passive Job Seekers

At ExactHire, we help employers hire through the use of our software and our team of SHRM certified strategists.  Our solutions are effective for attracting both active and passive job seekers. However, in this post, we will discuss how employers can attract passive job seekers. We’ll do this by defining just who is a passive job seeker, then explore their characteristics and establish how employers can launch an effective recruiting initiative.

Who is a Passive Job Seeker?

Put simply, passive job seekers are individuals who already have a job, but would consider another opportunity if it arises.

Think of them as employees on the go–who can quickly hop to the next opportunity when it shows up. They are not totally satisfied with their current job and constantly have an eye out for new opportunities to grow their career. Research shows that the percentage of passive job seekers is continuing to rise, particularly following the storm of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Characteristics of Passive Job Seekers

Now that we’ve identified who a passive job seeker is,  let’s explore the characteristics and traits of these professionals

1.) Open for contact

As discussed earlier, passive candidates are open for new positions, although they may not actively seek these positions due to present work engagements.

They’re always open to learning about new job openings. They’re willing to hear about job offers–bonuses, packages, and new roles. However,  since they are not actively searching for new opportunities, their interest must be triggered by job ads or direct contact.

Therefore, if you’re looking for passive job seekers, consider being actively engaged in finding them. Inquire from colleagues or others in your network whether there are talented professionals who’d be open to working in a different set-up..

2.) Have individual ambition

Passive job seekers are in a better position than most job seekers. That’s because they already have a job; they’re just seeking new opportunities and greener pastures.

Because they’re in a good position, it’s critical to give them an offer they cannot turn down. Professional and personal development motivate some candidates. Others are inspired by a flexible work schedule that supports a positive work-life balance. Others also prefer better payments and better perks. Sometimes targeting passive job seekers is about a fit between personal and company culture.

According to research by Glassdoor, below are five main factors that make professionals likely to show interest in a job offer:

  • Better payments and perks – 48%
  • Better, convenient access or easy commute – 47%
  • High salaries – 46%
  • Work-life-balance – 43%
  • Work-from-home flexibility – 41%

3.) Long-term thinking

Passive job seekers have a long-term thinking mindset. They think of the future and aren’t satisfied with short-term gains over long-term rewards. Their desire to grow and eventually realize their careers. Sometimes realizing their long-term goals may constitute finishing their education first or gaining more experience.

Either way, employers targeting passive job seekers must consider their long-term strategy. The fact that they’re seeking better opportunities is a clear indication of their plans and futuristic mindset. Giving passive job seekers clear opportunities for career growth and recognizing their life-long priorities is a great way of reaching out to them.

4.) Need to be updated

Passive job seekers like to stay updated. And as you embark on reaching out to them, it’s critical to lay a foundation of close contact. Try to establish rapport with them by establishing avenues for contact and interaction – whether online or offline.

For instance, you may build rapport with someone who’s interested but not ready to switch up to a new role just yet. If this happens, it’s advisable to keep in close contact with the candidate for future openings.

By keeping in contact, the professional may be able to make a change when the time is right. Keeping in close contact helps monitor your target job seeker even as time changes.

Why would you want a passive job seeker over an active one?

There are many reasons why organizations and recruiters prefer passive job seekers over active ones:

  • They’re passionate about development and growth. Their passion for growth and professional development implies that your organization can grow with people with a ‘growth’ mindset.
  • Won’t come without a reason. Passive job seekers won’t come to your organization without a reason. These job candidates need incentives for them to consider alternative positions.
  • Choose your organization. Passive job seekers take the time to study your organization. They’re keen to learn the dynamics that make your organization stand out. Because they have a clear goal to achieve, passive job seekers are critical of your organization.
  • Less time pressure. Active job seekers are pressured by time and situation. That means they’re less likely to be critical about their job preferences, which will have long-term implications on job satisfaction levels. Passive job seekers have less time pressure, meaning they’re positioned to make good career decisions.
  • Strong relationship before hiring. When targeting passive job seekers, you’ll find competent candidates who are interested, but not ready to leave their current positions. That is an excellent opportunity for you to build rapport with them and establish a relationship.

Focusing attention on passive job seekers gained momentum in the early 2010’s. Changing job patterns and shifting workplace dynamics have shifted the focus, allowing recruiters to focus their efforts on both active and passive candidates.

ExactHire – Streamlining Your Search for Passive Job Seekers

Whether you’re looking for active or passive candidates, ExactHire provides customizable software solutions that help streamline your hiring. ExactHire provides applicant tracking software, employee onboarding software, and employee assessment software to improve your hiring outcomes.

Rather not implement software? ExactHire Full Service Hiring is a solution for employers who don’t have the time or resources to manage a hiring process. Our team will advertise your open positions, manage applicant communications, screen candidates based on your criteria, and then deliver you qualified best-fit candidates.

Holiday Employee Engagement Ideas

As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season continues, and employees are trying to stay motivated with dreams of holidays and days off dancing in their heads, Human Resources professionals and management need to take some time to spread some holiday cheer. Connecting with each other, especially during the holiday season, is important to build trust and camaraderie among employees within an organization to elevate employee engagement. As employee engagement increases, productivity increases so it is a win-win for an organization.

Holiday Inclusivity

When planning for holiday themed engagement activities within an organization, be cognizant of the different beliefs and traditions that employees have. Not everyone celebrates the same holidays as others. Ensure that holiday engagement activities are inclusive for everyone to participate to facilitate a true “team” atmosphere. There are approximately 14 major holidays in the fall / winter timeframe so employers should keep that in mind as they start crafting ideas for happy holidays within the work environment. Find out beforehand as to what holidays and events employees do and do not celebrate to start the planning.


The holiday season often personifies happiness and cheer, but the holidays are not a time of celebration for many. Financial hardships, health issues, and personal loss can cause wrenching emotional distress, particularly during the holiday season. It is important that an organization promotes mental health for employees. Investing in employees’ mental health is a commitment to their well-being. Happy and motivated employees tend to stay longer with an employer, be more engaged and willing to accept new challenges. During the holiday season, make sure that employees understand they do not have to participate in activities nor will there be any repercussions if they do not. Declining to participate does not make an employee a Scrooge or a Grinch; it simply could be their holiday wish to make it through an emotionally challenging season.

Alternative Options

Customers are the driving force for an organization so show an attitude of gratitude. Mailing cards to customers is not as efficient as in the past. Many people work remotely, and it is possible that cards do not get channeled to onsite recipients in a timely manner. Show your thanks by sending a video thank you. Even if you are not a seasoned marketing guru, making a gratitude video with colleagues can be fun and simple. Once finished, send it to your customers, and even place it on your website so individuals can see your creativity and sincere appreciation for others. Videos can be used in many capacities: managers showing thanks to their team or to communicate organizational messages to new hires and current employees within onboarding software.

Ideas for Remote and Onsite Holiday Employee Engagement

Since many work environments have evolved into hybrid settings, here are some holiday fun ideas that can work for onsite and remote employees. While it can be a bit more challenging for remote teammates to stay engaged in seasonal festivities, it is definitely not impossible. Adapt these ideas to fit the culture of your company. By focusing on the goal of inclusion and excitement, these activities can generate positivity within the organization.


  • Sweet treats can bring an extra smile. While some organizations have evolved from employee pitch-ins to catered options due to COVID and convenience, fulfill your team’s sweet tooths by having a cookie decorating session. Many local bakers make cookie decorating packages that can be used by teams. By purchasing those, an organization supports local businesses while having fun with each other. For large companies, cookie vendor chains might be able to discount large orders and more easily ship nationally or internationally.  Cookie decorating kits can be sent to remote employees so set a time for remote and onsite teams to decorate together.
  • Choc – o – LOT! Have a lot of chocolatey goodness by hosting a hot chocolate bar. Smaller organizations can set up an onsite hot chocolate bar with a mix of marshmallows, whipped cream, and add-ins such as sprinkles, chocolate chips, caramels and other tasty treats. For larger organizations, Human Resources, management or other designated leaders can deliver drinks to employees using a mobile cart. Keep in mind dietary restrictions. Have sugar free and dairy free options available. For those who do not like hot chocolate, have coffee or water as alternatives. Send remote employees a make-it-yourself hot chocolate kit or a gift card to get a hot chocolate, coffee or other beverage to enjoy with the team.
  • Show your holiday style with a festive ugly holiday sweater or shirt contest. Have teammates vote anonymously for the best holiday sweater/shirt, and the person with the most votes wins a small prize such as a gift card or company swag.  This is a perfect photo op for your team so make sure you snap a team pic so you don’t say “Oh Snap” later by not having such a memorable photo.
  • Decorate your desk, cubicle or home office with festive decor. Tis the season so jingle all the way with tinsel, garland, stars and sparkles. Beware of bells if you are in a shared work area; those might put some people on the naughty list.
  • Create a cookbook. Some teammates could do a side gig as a chef using their extensive culinary talents while other people rely on the cooking of others. Solicit favorite recipes from employees, and share recipes as an e-book in your company’s onboarding software.
  • Celebrate your employees’ diversity by asking them to share holiday traditions about the holidays they celebrate. Share those stories within your company’s intranet or personally during a teambuilding event. This gives everyone a chance to learn more about each other and will foster a sense of belonging.
  • Serve others by helping individuals who are less fortunate. Partner with a local civic organization or church who have families in need and fulfill the wish list provided. Stock area pantries by hosting a food drive. Remote employees can assist others in their local area or contribute via distance.

Business is Business

While having a positive work environment that is fun and engaging is proven to enhance productivity, there are ways to discuss formal business and still have fun. Some work cultures do not promote holiday thematic events so it is important to still find ways to celebrate others.


  • The stars shine brightly! Acknowledge the successes of teammates. Ask for nominations of teammates who have gone above and beyond to demonstrate the company’s values and mission. Share those testimonials throughout the organization on a daily basis.
  • There is no I in Team. Managers can express thanks by sending personalized thank you notes or making a thank you phone call to show appreciation of individuals’ contributions. While an email can show appreciation, that extra effort of a personalized card or call can make a difference. .
  • Treat the team to a lunch or dinner, preferably outside the office, to recap successes. Establish goals for the next quarter or next year to strategically plan for enhanced productivity. Many restaurants have private rooms for use where technology can be used to include remote employees. Send a gift card to remote employees so they can order food while participating in the meeting.
  • Be flexible. Flexibility helps everyone feel not as stretched when balancing professional and personal commitments. Offering additional flex time or encouraging teammates to take PTO can reduce stress. The holidays are full of activities so allowing employees to take time for themselves by participating in their children’s school events, assisting aging family members or even taking time away for oneselves can be a gift itself. Physically and mentally healthy employees bring renewed spirits full of ideas and creativity that will benefit the organization.


Ultimately the holiday season is meant to be a time of hope and joy. When an organization focuses on the quality of life for its employees, a season of giving continues throughout the year. By including others and creating events and activities which generate appreciation for each others’ unique backgrounds, the spirit of giving, excitement and happiness is accentuated.

Photo by anncapictures on Pixabay

Tips for High Volume Hiring

Organizations pursuing high-volume hiring propel job creation and fuel economic growth. Unfortunately, filling high-volume requisitions isn’t for the faint of heart.

When you’re dealing with mass hiring, you need creative and practical ways to complete it. Talent is one of the most coveted assets, and organizations succeed only when they have the right skills and talent in the pipeline.

What is High-Volume Hiring?

High-volume hiring refers to the practice of filling a high-number open requisitions within a short timeframe. High-volume hiring seeks to fill many available job positions within a limited time.

Organizations and sectors that use high-volume hiring face seasonal hiring periods and experience massive organizational growth or shifts. For instance, a construction company may conduct a mass-hiring exercise to find construction workers for an unusually large project. If that same company specializes in an area like road repair that is impacted by climate, they may hire hundreds for the spring and summer months, but wind hiring down in the fall.

High Volume Hiring Challenges

The Covid-19 pandemic had far-reaching implications on individuals, families, and organizations. Businesses sustained job losses, mass resignations, and supply chain disruptions. They are still finding it hard to identify, train and keep new hires–not to mention their struggle to keep mass hiring initiatives organized.

So obviously, high volume hiring is a challenge at a time of mass resignation with employees are quitting jobs at record highs. HR managers must respond to these dynamic shifts with creativity and agility in attracting, hiring, and retaining talent that’s in high demand.

And with mounting pressure, industries that rely on mass hiring are getting more creative by the day. For instance, TikTok is maximizing video resumes, with companies such as Chipotle, Great Clips, Target, and Shopify trying out TikTok to fill entry-level positions.

Other common challenges for dealing with mass hiring include:

  • Time crunch. It takes a lot of time to place an ad and to officially onboard the first group of new hires. Where possible, look to automate common, repetitive tasks.
  • Interview process overload. Successful high-volume recruitments rely heavily on efficient application screening. Software can help hiring managers quickly focus on the best qualified applicants, while also supporting DEI initiatives.
  • Analysis paralysis. High volume application processes need to be strategically conducted and executed to manage stress and anxiety. This means having a screening plan in place before recruiting begins.
  • Providing a positive candidate experience. It’s easy to focus on getting the job positions filled, but don’t forget about the people behind the job applications. Provide positive feedback and highlight benefits and positive experiences to new hires.

Strategies for High Volume Hiring

Let’s discuss tips for high-volume hiring. These tips will help you navigate the existing challenge of mass resignations and help you identify, attract, and retain high-demand employees facing high turnover rates.

  1.) Alignment with hiring managers

Misalignment is the source of all problems in recruitment and onboarding exercises. The slightest disconnect with the hiring team can cause major problems in the recruitment process. Ensure that you’re on good terms with all the hiring managers before going far in the hiring process.

You can use the following three tips to ensure internal alignment with hiring managers:

  • Identifying overarching key performance goals
  • Identify different tasks that support or complement each performance goal
  • Identify the skills and proficiencies that will help the hire succeed in their work

By identifying the relevant skills needed to succeed in a certain position, you enable new hires to develop feedback mechanisms and understand and respond to customer needs.

  2.) Put quality first

When you have a pile of requisitions, it doesn’t mean you need more candidates. It means you need quality new hires to get the job done. One way to get quality candidates is to write job descriptions that match the people you want to hire.

Your job description will appeal to the caliber of people you want to hire. Quality job descriptions will clarify the values and attitudes needed for the job and appeal to the right candidates for an open requisition.

You can use the following tips to craft a job description that targets the best candidates:

  • Tell job stories. Tell your candidates why the position is the ideal place to work based on a job story that transcends the job description.
  • Communicate your culture. Clearly state the values and characteristics defining your company’s culture and describe how you view and reward success.
  • Emphasize and impact. Every job candidate has this question in mind, “what’s in it for me?” when they skim dozens of job postings. Most candidates are looking for something intangible – something rewarding and satisfying and worth their time and effort. So, ensure that your job description stipulates the rewards and benefits, tangible and intangible, that come with the job position.

For instance, LinkedIn job postings encourage quality applicants. LinkedIn postings give candidates a personalized window that clarifies the open position and helps them decide whether it’s right for them.

  3.) Create a ‘candidate-first application’ process

Research by Indeed found that 42% of applicants find lengthy job postings intimidating. They found long applications as the most frustrating parts of the application process.

So, while Snapchat’s snaplication model may seem impractical at first glance, it presents a creative and unique opportunity for creating mobile-first and super-speedy applications. Mobile phones and mobile apps will help organizations deploy a candidate-first application process.

Some of the best practices for candidate-first application include:

  • Talent intelligence. Always be where your applicants are – TikTok, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter; surround yourself with potential candidates and hires. Talent intelligence drills down on candidates based on geography or location.
  • Mobile-optimization. Ensure that your job application process is mobile-optimized. According to Indeed, more than 50% of job applicants use their mobile phones to navigate job postings.

Using and optimizing mobile phones is especially significant to hourly workers who don’t have access to desktop computers. So, ensure that your application process supports a pipeline of potential candidates who may not necessarily have the means or access to application materials or devices.

  • Keep it short. Create a one-click application process and reduce candidate friction. If this model doesn’t work for you, keep the application questions to a minimum. Enable candidates to apply using their social profiles and pre-populate text boxes to avoid lengthy applications.

Focusing exclusively on job candidates helps you fill open positions faster, saving you time and money on resume screening processes.

  4.) Expand your reach

Now that you’ve created crafty job descriptions and targeted quality candidates, it’s time to put your job posting in front of as many eyes as possible. The more people you reach, the higher the likelihood that you’ll receive more quality applications.

Some of the tactics you can use to amplify the reach of your job postings include:

  • Encourage current employees to share postings with their network and add personal touches
  • Give people something creative and compelling to talk (and share) about by adding images and video
  • Consider sponsoring job posts through job boards, or boosting your social posts

Tip: It’s crucial to keep an eye on who comments, shares, or likes your job postings on social and say thank you. Expressing gratitude may go a long way in attracting the pipeline of potential candidates and new hires.

  5.) Speed up with talent rediscovery

Talent rediscovery involves digging and searching your resume databases to find relevant but old applications.

A prime concern for employers is recruiters failing to examine their resume databases. However, this complaint is slowly being phased out now that Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have internal search functionality.

ATS technology is useful in today’s volatile labor market. Most organizations are channeling their focus toward rebuilding internal talent and re-skilling in response with an unpredictable labor market. Talent intelligence provides visibility, enhancing your understanding of your workforce’s skillset requirements.

  6.) Automate candidate screening

Perhaps the most unique and innovative way of dealing with mass hiring is the automation of candidate screening. Research shows that 75% of resumes collected from high-volume job postings are considered unqualified. Organizations without an ATS spend time and money screening applications instead of focusing on the bottom line.

A manual, hands-on approach to mass hiring wastes countless hours in skimming unqualified paperwork and documentation. Screening dozens of applications can be mind-numbing for HR teams,  but recruiting software can help you stay organized with high volume hiring and give you back time to focus on other key areas.


Contact ExactHire to stay organized when dealing with mass hiring–consider using our ATS software, or let us do the hard work of filling your candidate pipeline, so you can focus on final hiring decisions and onboarding new hires.



What are the characteristics of a good employee?

Knowing the characteristics of a good employee positions an employer to hire best fit job candidates and build a culture that supports positive employee engagement. Many employers will define what makes a good employee as a combination of soft and hard skills. But skills can only go so far in making someone a great employee. Personal characteristics such as hard work, determination, and critical thinking are crucial in identifying great employees too.

In this post, we explore seven characteristics or traits that make good employees.

7 Characteristics of Good Employees

Improve productivity, build a stronger work culture, and increase employee engagement by hiring good employees with the following characteristics.

1. Dedication

Dedication is the trait of having a strong sense of commitment and loyalty to your career role or business. Moreover, dedicated employees are purpose-driven in their careers. Dedication is exemplified by the following traits:

  • A strong passion for work or profession
  • A positive attitude towards profession or job
  • Punctuality for work-related events, meetings, or projects
  • Flexibility when assigned roles, duties, or tasks

Dedicated employees don’t need extensive experience to succeed. Rather, they’re willing to learn, train, or sacrifice the hours required to excel in their work. These employees are purpose-driven and goal-oriented. They’re ready to strengthen any areas that may need reinforcement to excel in their careers.

2. Confidence

Confidence, performance, and productivity go hand-in-hand. Confident employees are not only sure of their abilities, talents, and skills; they’re also willing to convince other employees of their ability to get the job done.

Confident employees are not scared by complex tasks or undertakings. They know they can research, consult, and collaborate to get results. This translates into confident employees being able to complete more complicated, harder, or sophisticated tasks with the same level of effectiveness.

As employee confidence grows, employees exhibit the following traits:

  • Seeking ways to improve personal and professional skills.
  • Adapting fast to new roles and new tasks
  • Knowing when to seek help

Employees exhibiting high confidence levels find new ways to adapt to challenging tasks. They’re ready and willing to embrace workplace challenges. Confidence includes the ability to look at new ways to overcome challenges, including optimizing existing resources (personal, equipment, or knowledge).

3. Communicative

Excellent communication skills are a must-have to succeed. That’s because most workplaces only excel with effective internal communications. Processes and procedures must be conveyed to relevant people employees, and outcomes must be communicated back.

Managers need excellent communication skills to convey instructions, guidelines, and policies to middle-level and lower-level employees. Similarly, employees need great communication skills to converse with upper management about their responsibilities and whether they understand directions clearly or not.

Relaying information quickly and efficiently is critical, especially in industries where data is crucial to operational success. This makes communication skills a top priority to look for in candidates, as well one that should be foster through processes and work culture.

Excellent communication skills can lead to success and competitive positioning. The ability to communicate denotes the ability to collaborate on shared tasks. That, in turn, leads to greater efficiency and productivity.

4. Reliability

Reliability is perhaps the most sought-after characteristic of an employee in most industries. A reliable employee is trusted and transparent. Reliable employees have strong moral codes and ethical standards.

Reliability is a critical factor in ensuring that the job will get done – and done well! Reliable employees are strategic assets because they can do the job with little or no supervision.

Being a reliable employee includes:

  • Consistently meeting deadlines
  • Coming to work on time
  • Attending work-related seminars and events
  • Showing a readiness to take on responsibility
  • Giving high-quality work
  • Showing initiative when needed

Reliable employees are especially valuable in industries with highly sensitive information, including personal data, credit card numbers, and social security numbers.

5. Teamwork

The importance of teamwork and collaboration cannot be over-emphasized. Teamwork is a requirement in most work settings. Teamwork and collaboration require dedication, tolerance, openess, and patience.

Being a team player means you’re a positive contribution to your team. It’s possible to exhibit a set of other desirable characteristics by being a team player. For instance, most team players are communicative.

Some of the traits and characteristics of good team players include:

  • Committed to their success and their team’s
  • Strong problem-solvers
  • Supportive and respectful
  • Responsible and reliable
  • Flexible and adaptable

Organizations that rely heavily on teamwork often need greater adaptability. For instance, a team member who can flexibly adapt to being a leader will be an important contributor to the organization.

6. Independence

The ability to work alone is just as important as the ability to collaborate. Even in heavily team-oriented companies, employees will likely find themselves doing some work alone. This is necessary and healthy, as it provides employees time to focus and complete work more efficiently. Independent work requires respect and trust between co-workers and managers that work will be completed independently and efficiently!

Autonomous employees offer the following qualities:

  • Strong time-management skills
  • Ability to review and critique work or projects
  • Strong focus
  • High productivity

Remote employees must be trusted to work independently without supervision. And since remote work calls for greater autonomy, independent employees can adapt faster to working remotely.

7. Leadership

There’s a debate on whether leaders are born or made. However, what’s not debated is that great leaders are admired, loved, and are hard to come across. But what makes great leadership?

Well, leadership is the ability to motivate a group of people towards a common and shared goal. This requires vision, strategy, and confidence, and communication. Great leaders must have a vision and leverage their teams’ efforts to achieve a defined goal.

Employees with strong leadership skills can move companies forward. They can guide team members toward developing their skills. Influential leaders have a wide range of skills, including honesty, reliability, and self-confidence.

Leaders exhibit the following traits:

  • Give constructive feedback instead of being judgmental
  • Show great empathy to fellow team members
  • Act as a source of inspiration to fellow team members
  • Strong ability to identify a team’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Confidence in their ability to lead teams
  • Strong organizational skills

Leadership is a critical quality. People with strong leadership skills are usually promoted by an organization into a more strategic role. That’s because internal recruitment or promotion from within helps companies cut recruitment costs.

Likewise, hiring someone who shows strong leadership skills gives others someone to look up to, which increases organization and productivity in the workplace.

ExactHire – Solutions to Hire Good Employees

ExactHire is a provider of custom hiring solutions to employers of all industries and sectors. We provide applicant tracking software, employee onboarding software, and full service hiring (where we do the hard work of delivering you candidates to hire).

Contact ExactHire to refine and enhance your search for good employees.


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Why Would an Employee Want Pay Equity?

Today’s companies can only expect to grow and scale when they’re able to attract and retain the best talent. The hiring landscape is vastly different today, too. Candidates are interviewing your organization just as much as you’re interviewing them. And one aspect of your company operations and culture that matters is pay equity.

If you’re wondering why a career professional might care about how you structure pay for everyone else, keep reading. There’s more to pay equity than you might know. We’ll get into the core definitions and benefits of adopting a fair and equitable pay platform, as well as answer why any employee might want pay equity.

Understanding Pay Equity

Don’t mistake pay equity with pay equality. The terms encompass different ideas. Pay equity typically refers to equal pay for equal work, regardless of the employees’ demographics. This pay includes all aspects of compensation, including base salary, bonuses, overtime rates, benefits, and opportunities for advancement.

Alternatively, pay equality often refers to the same ideology – equal pay for equal work. However, pay equity dives deeper into understanding why people might fall into varied demographics and how to level the playing field with those pay disparities.

When you’re looking to incorporate pay equity practices into your organization, you’ll consider these more common demographic classes that might impact a candidate’s earning potential:

  • Age
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Religion
  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation

For many employers, pay equity is an umbrella concept that encompasses all issues related to fair compensation. For your business, it’s a lens through which all of your pay and benefits decisions should be made.

How Pay Equity Benefits Employers

Pay equity isn’t just an employee-facing term. There are actually a host of advantages a business can leverage when pay equity and fairness concepts are involved. For starters, you can attract a broader and more diverse workforce when you promote pay equity enforcement. Focusing on fairness among the ranks will also help to reduce turnover since staff will want to work for an organization that promotes awareness and equitable best practices. Workplace loyalty matters, especially as you explore better employee retention strategies.

For many small businesses, there are also compliance concerns to note. Providing equitable pay initiatives will ensure you remain aligned with state and local employment laws. The number of employee lawsuits regarding pay has grown in recent years, only solidifying the need to address pay and benefits practices.

What Today’s Candidates Are Looking for in a Company

Pay equity isn’t a trendy nuance to be overlooked. In today’s hiring market, applicants are more decisive about the employers they choose. And they’re looking at your company culture more intently than ever before. Unfortunately, there are still major pay disparities out there, despite many organizations’ best efforts to address them. In fact, a study in 2021 showed that women are still earning an average of 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. And for those who represent women of color, that wage gap is even broader. Shockingly, the Economic Policy Institute found that wage gaps among black and white employees were actually more significant in 2016 than they were back in 1979.

With the onset of social media and celebrity activism, pay equity has been brought back to the forefront of today’s workplace discussion. And it’s a hot-button topic for candidates right now as they explore new career options. If you want to effectively attract and retain the best staff, pay equity needs to be at the forefront of your company’s initiatives.

How Companies Ensure Pay Equity Best Practices

To embrace an equitable pay platform, it requires a series of efforts that address more than just pay and benefits. Companies are also exploring complex causes, including systemic contributors to wage disparities. There are strategies you can be implementing to identify and address social norms in the workplace, biases, and advancement opportunities. And pay equity can be monitored with proper wage audits.

When developing a pay equity audit process for your company, consider the following key elements for the equation.

First combine all the annual salaries of your full-time and year-round employees who represent the demographic you’re looking to compare. Then determine the median salary for each demographic. Finally compare the median salaries for each demographic to each other to identify pay gaps.

This is just one of many calculations used to uncover wage disparities. But if you’re not already auditing your company’s pay and benefits platforms, it’s a great place to start. From there, you can also explore other audit methods that might include comparing weekly salaries or benefits considerations. Whatever audit process you use, make sure you’re measuring equally across the board and in conjunction with any federal or state wage laws.

How to Have the Pay Equity Discussion with Your Teams

Half the battle in addressing pay equity is creating an equitable set of processes by which your company abides. The other half of the effort involves communicating your pay equity strategies to your employees and potential candidates. So, how can your company roll out its plans for addressing pay equity, so everyone understands your initiatives? Consider these best practices as you develop your communications strategy:

  • Make sure your compensation systems and platforms are transparent. This might include sharing goals, metrics, performance, and advancement requirements.
  • Communicate regularly, not just about the roll-out initiatives, but about ongoing efforts to improve pay equity.
  • Provide ample and thorough training for all your managers and supervisors about the hiring, compensation, and retention strategies you have in place.
  • Standardize pay ranges and guidelines for the various roles and responsibilities within your company.
  • Audit and improve job descriptions ongoing to make sure you’re promoting your need for diverse, skills-based employees, offering equitable pay for all.

As you wrap up Q4 for your business and forge new strategies and recruiting initiatives for the new year, consider looking closely at your pay equity. It’s a new hiring market, and today’s companies are improving their cultures to attract top talent. Pay equity plays a big role in that conversation and effort. And ExactHire can help you realign your company’s position to embrace fairness and equity in a way that attracts the best employees.


Photo by deeptuts on Pixabay

The Great Remorse

Since COVID-19 changed the world in 2020 emotions have been elevated. Human Resources professionals continue to ride an emotional roller coaster as they diligently try to fill job openings, minimize attrition and reduce spending in an ultra-competitive job market with more openings than talent can readily fill. However, HR professionals are not the only individuals full of uncertainty at this time.

COVID-19 was the catalyst for job seekers to maximize their job satisfaction. In all career fields, no matter if hourly or salary, an increasing number of employees decided to redefine their lives by choosing to leave their current role in hopes of attaining a role that would offer a better work-life balance to acquire a sense of mental renewal and improve logistics. Some individuals who hit their threshold gambled and exited without acquiring a new job. This mass exodus of employees leaving their employing organizations in hopes of greener pastures was coined “The Great Resignation”.

“The Great Resignation”

According to findings from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 47 million Americans quit their jobs in 2022 compared to only 42 million workers who quit in 2019. A multitude of reasons exist as to why Americans were quitting their jobs, but the main reasons include low pay, lack of advancement, work disrespect, child care challenges, and lack of flexibility. During the pandemic many fields were thrust into remote work. As employees became acclimated to the flexibility and benefits of remote work, their preference, and even need, for it increased.

When companies sought to bring employees back onsite, numerous employees rebelled at that request and started searching for something different. Many employees believed that something better existed somewhere, so they submitted their resignation and took a giant leap into the unknown. For many individuals, that leap into uncertainty proved successful, as they landed a new role that fulfilled missing needs. Not all pastures turned out to be greener though.

For others, the uncertainty transitioned into remorse as they did not find something better than what they had. What they found was often worse than what they anticipated leading into the expanding ideology called the “The Great Remorse”.

“The Great Remorse”

Research is showing that many job seekers are starting to question their decision to quit their previous role. According to a Harris poll, two-thirds of job seekers feel they should have started looking for a new job sooner. Another 67% feel that it would have been easier to find a job in 2021 as compared to this year. What is startling is this statistic:  approximately 72% of job seekers say that companies are ignoring applications. This is by either not scheduling interviews, or ghosting applicants. While time is of the essence in the Human Resources world, taking time to acknowledge submitted applications and informing applicants that they were not selected for the role in which they applied is an essential professional behavior.

HR Communication

Communication with all applicants shows professionalism reflective of the Human Resources department and organization as a whole. Even more, it is ultimately a kind gesture to communicate the status in the hiring process to an applicant. No applicant wants to be rejected, but at least the applicant will receive some closure. Instead they are left wondering if or when they might be acknowledged. The applicant that is rejected for one position might be the best talent for another open position. This makes it imperative that an organization leave the applicant with a positive view of the hiring process for potential future positions.

Ghosting is the concept of communicating with individuals and then no longer responding. This is not a concept that HR wants to be perceived as doing with applicants. Work loads are undoubtedly heavy for Human Resources personnel. However, active communication engaging applicants in the hiring process keeps applicants more satisfied. It allows them to know more of what the expectations and next steps are in the hiring process. ExactHire HR Software can streamline communication with applicants offering the convenience of emailing or texting communication with applicants. Communication is quick and easy.  Create unique messages or customize existing communication templates to allow software users to craft messages that can be personalized towards one or more applicants.

Impacts of The Great Remorse

In March 2022, a Harris poll showed that over one-third of those who quit during the previous year were regretting that decision as work-life balance either did not improve, or it worsened. Their new job was not what they thought it would be, or they actually missed their previous organization’s culture. Another study indicated that nearly 20% percent of resigned employees returned to their previous company. Employees who leave their employer, work at a different employer, and then return to their previous employer are called “boomerang workers”.

LinkedIn data reveals that the number of boomerang employees increased from 2% of all new hires in 2010 to 4.3% in 2022. Not all employees are employees that an organization might want back on the payroll; however, if employees leave on good terms and have proven themselves as successful contributors to the organization, it is beneficial for the organization to consider rehiring them. Boomerang employees offer many benefits to an organization. They are familiar with the organizational culture and job responsibilities so less time is spent on onboarding them.

They also have a higher time to productivity ratio. The company saves a tremendous amount of money as they do not have to invest time and financial resources. They don’t have to post a vacancy, screen applicants, conduct interviews and offering the role to an applicant. The applicant might then decline the role, but if they accept then you need to onboard a new hire.

Looking at the Future

Human Resources professionals will not forget 2022 anytime soon. As 2023 rapidly approaches, HR professionals and management can make resolutions to welcome boomerang talent. If previous employees reach out with regret for leaving, listen to what they say and what their needs are. Listen, not hear but listen, to their words, and evaluate the current situation, reasons for their departure and what they can provide to the company.

Employees are human, and the last three years have taken an emotional toll on everyone. The grass is not always greener on the other side, but taking time to care for oneself can lead to having a greener pasture. For some individuals, it takes time to realize that. If a former employee wants to come back to an employer, the employer can benefit from keeping the door open to boomerang employees. This allows all entities to thrive in a renewed environment supportive of each others’ needs.

Photo by Startupstockphotos on Pixabay

5 Ways to Create Positive Work Culture

Creating a positive work culture isn’t just a trend anymore. Today’s leaders are recognizing that the primary way to attract and retain top performers and quality staff is by providing a great place to work. And there are a variety of elements that go into defining what a positive work culture is.

In this post, we’ll discuss the challenges you might be facing in building  positive work culture, along with some solutions. There are five pivotal ways to make significant improvements to your company’s work environment. Here’s what you can be doing to make improvements within your business.

How to Define a Positive Work Culture

Happiness is subject to personal preference. What one employee values most may only be an afterthought benefit to another. So how are today’s employers able to discern what constitutes a positive work culture? It boils down to active listening.

Employees aren’t likely to be as demanding as some of the polarizing news headlines suggest. In fact, employees can be rather forgiving about a company’s growing pains…as long as they feel valued and heard. To meet these needs, employers should consider anonymous feedback strategies, such as launching online surveys or even soliciting employee suggestions with a “suggestion box” (yes, it can still work).

Alternatively, inviting employee perspectives can be an exercise in employer-employee transparency. This could take the form of one-on-one conversations between managers and reports, solely for the purpose of exchanging improvement ideas. This approach requires accountability and trust–two important characteristics of a positive work culture.

The more active employers are in learning what inspires employees, the better positioned they are to develop a positive work environment that fuels their inspiration.

Common Characteristics of a Positive Work Culture

There will be unique aspects to how a company defines and executes a positive work environment. This requires employers to get creative with what makes sense in supporting their teams. But a few general characteristics of a positive work culture include:

  • Employees feel empowered to take on new responsibilities and leadership roles.
  • Workers feel satisfied with their performance and metrics.
  • Staff loyalty increases when they’re appreciated, challenged, and encouraged.
  • Individuals feel compelled to problem-solve instead of departmentalizing or “passing the buck.”

If you believe your teams follow these examples, you’re moving in the right direction for creating a positive work culture. However, if you’re experiencing alternative behaviors, it could be a sign that your company culture needs improvement.

Contributing to a Positive Work Culture

Cultivating a positive company culture requires ongoing initiatives. People change, and so do their values. Additionally,  when organizations grow, they add new dynamics to their workforces. Company culture initiatives, then, should be looked at as an evolving effort. Here are five ways to contribute to improving a work culture.

1. Identify Company Mission, Vision, and Values

This may require an employer to go back to its startup roots, revisiting founding documents. A mission statement should be a constant reminder to employees as that their work matters, so it’s important that the statement is accurate and authentic. Values inform a workforce how they should work in fulfilling a mission–this differentiates a company from competitors and inspires loyalty. Finally, when an employer establishes a vision, it ensures that the impact of the mission will continue to grow and inspire employees to perform.

Once the foundational pieces are reviewed–and refreshed if needed–employers must promote them across the organization so that each individual can understand and support big-picture objectives. Everyone must be held accountable for supporting these objectives, especially managers. The goal is to develop an employee base that can become just as passionate and energized about the company as the C-level.

When employees see how their work matters, they will feel more connected to their coworkers and employer. And that’s the best foundation for a positive work culture, according to Forbes.

2. Manage and Establish Realistic Expectations

Harmony and consistency are key ingredients in the positive workplace. To achieve them, employers must first establish and maintain clear expectations. When a workforce precisely understands what is expected of them, they’ll be more apt to follow those guidelines. And for the overachievers and top performers, knowing where the bar is set will allow them to determine how to go above and beyond.

Unpredictability in management harbors distrust and staff-level contempt. So employers must make sure that managers know their expectations, too. Finally, it is ideal for employers to share companywide, departmental, and specific role expectations with everyone. The transparency will breed an environment of trust and respect, which is essential for positive workplaces.

3. Employees Need to Feel Valued

It’s more than just catered office lunches, front-row parking, or workplace happy hours. Yes, those are all great for promoting team unity and corporate appreciation. However, employees are most satisfied when they feel valued. Company culture is rooted in the individual’s daily experiences. It’s their day-to-day routine that shapes their beliefs about the company. And it’s in those daily routines where employers can improve how they share appreciation for valuable contributions. Check out these stats:

  • 90% of employees who feel their work and presence are valued agree they are more motivated to do their best.
  • 33% of employees who don’t feel valued will perform their best.
  • 83% of executives believe having motivated employees contributes to a company’s success.
  • 84% of employees believe that motivated teams substantially contribute to a company’s success.

4. Foster an Environment of Collaboration

There is a commonly shared school of thought that promotes a “stay in your lane” approach to productivity. And yes, for some companies, those guidelines serve a valuable purpose. However, fostering an environment that welcomes collaboration will develop a company’s culture. When everyone can pitch in to solve a problem or provide insights into company challenges, it sends the message to the employee that his or her opinion and expertise matter. Sharing ideas and improvements lead to innovation, as well.

Employers must do the work by actually hosting these team meetings and asking for departmental and companywide insights. They can’t just promote teamwork as a value and not follow through on initiatives that support it.

5. Communication Has to Flow Freely

Leadership and management within an organization should encourage open and honest dialogues between colleagues, departments, and managers. Employers may consider auditing company communication to see who is interacting with who and what feedback is being processed.

Coffee mornings, team contests, and inter-departmental activities can help people feel connected to others outside of their daily routines. And appropriate levels of management should welcome complaints, suggestions, and ideas for swift follow-up and solutions.

What Inclusivity Means in Today’s Workplace

Inclusivity is another element of a positive workplace. It’s a pillar element worth protecting and supporting. It means every member of an organization has value, is treated with respect, and is provided with the same support and opportunities. Anyone challenging that level playing field should be removed before setting a toxic workplace example. Individual differences contribute to an organization’s productivity, and  tolerance of anything else will only undermine positive culture initiatives.

Keep these company insights in mind as you continue to develop and improve your company’s culture. And when you’re ready to grow your teams, let ExactHire be your guide to finding top talent that fits in with your culture!



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