If you have a decentralized workforce, it’s likely that you have existing employees involved in the onboarding process who serve in similar roles. For example, your HR Business Partner, Susie, may countersign I-9 forms for employees in Tucson while Patrick, your Employee Relations Manager, may handle that same task for new hires in Phoenix.
Using OnboardCentric Roles, you may assign more than one employee to the same onboarding responsibility. For example, when you have more than one “I-9 and E-Verify Approver,” then follow-up tasks are assigned to people based on FlexFields associated with their Role setup. Susie’s FlexField value for “Location” would be Tucson, and Patrick’s value would be Phoenix. You may even use more than one FlexField with Roles–such as designating one person for all part-time employees in Tucson and another for all full-time employees in Tucson.