Harlan Schafir is Chief Visionary Officer for ExactHire. ExactHire has developed an exciting new process for hiring that focuses on Job Fit and the ability to gain additional knowledge about candidates before they are hired. This process improves the quality of an organization’s new hires, saves time and increases profitability. It truly is an innovative practice in the hiring space. Previously, Harlan was the Founder and President of Professional Staff Management from 1991-2006 and the COO of Fortune Diversified Industries, a public company from 2003-2006. He has over 39 years of Human Resource and Business Management experience with 19+ years of experience in the PEO industry. Harlan received an Accounting degree with honors from the University of South Florida in 1974, working first for Arthur Andersen & Co. in Tampa, Florida. In 1980, he accepted a position with Cooper Industries in Houston, Texas and in 1984 he was transferred from Cooper’s corporate office to Belden Electronic Wire & Cable in Indiana.
While at Belden, Harlan was promoted several times and had a very positive impact on both operating efficiencies and profitability. Ultimately, he was responsible for running a significant part of Belden’s manufacturing operations. His units were considered some of the most profitable and productive in the company.
In 1991, he founded Professional Staff Management, one of the first PEOs in the state of Indiana. Under his leadership, Professional Staff Management experienced double-digit annual growth with offices in Richmond and Indianapolis, Indiana and was eventually sold to Fortune Diversified Industries.
Harlan guided Professional Staff Management with the philosophy that serving and protecting the interests of clients is the most important undertaking for the company. To that end, he assembled a team of individuals to deliver the most complete PEO and HR services in the Indiana marketplace. Following this philosophy helped Professional Staff Management achieve annual client retention rates consistently above 90%.
Harlan Schafir is on the Boards of Directors for the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO) and has previously sat on several different Board of Directors. Harlan is a member of CEO-Net and belongs to several human resource and service organizations. He has been a speaker at numerous national, state and local conventions.
About ExactHire — “I am excited about what we are doing at ExactHire. We are one of the few organizations we have seen in this segment of the market that not only speed up the hiring and onboarding processes, but actually change them for the better.
“Our ATS clients get more information on a candidate than they ever have before, and they get it much sooner in the process. At the same time, job seekers can conveniently apply online for jobs with our clients in a matter of minutes. This means more applicants, improved hiring, and a more positive experience for everyone involved.
“With our employee onboarding solution, our clients are able to provide a more welcoming experience for new hires because time and effort are not wasted on administrative tasks and follow up. The automation of these activities frees up time for employers to truly engage with new hires, and that leads to more effective and efficient employee onboarding.
“All business leaders have experienced the impact that a certain GREAT employee has on their company. We give our clients the tools to find, hire, and onboard those employees with greater efficiency, consistency, and predictability. That excites me.”
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