Look At Hiring Process With Fresh Eyes

Fresh Eyes On Your Hiring Process

How is your hiring process? Does it get the job done? Could it be better?

Several months ago, new owners took possession of our office complex. Since then, parking lots were re-surfaced, carpeting was replaced, signage was updated, entry foyers were completely remodeled, and many other improvements were made.

Before the purchase, I think that most visitors walking into our building–myself included–would have considered it to be a pretty nice place. It got the job done. But the new owners, by seeing things through fresh eyes, were able to identify things that needed improvement. And now, it is indeed markedly better.

This leads me to the topic of improving your hiring process. Is yours, like most, similar to how our building was–functional, but in need of some improvements?

If you’re not sure, below are some items to contemplate when looking at your hiring process with fresh eyes:

5 Areas of Your Hiring Process To  Review

  • Career Page — Do you have one?  Does it really help potential applicants get a sense of why they might enjoy working with your organization?  Does it match the current branding of the organization?  Is it easily found through your website?
  • Application/Resume Submittal — Is it applicant-friendly?  Does it take too much time or effort for the applicants to get their information to you?  Can applicants apply from a tablet or mobile device?  Are you and your hiring team able to get the information you need to properly screen applicants for further consideration?
  • Consistency and Flow — Are all applicants for given positions considered equally?  Are the same screening/interview questions asked of everyone for given positions?  How is feedback from hiring managers and others gathered?  How well is the overall process documented?  Are applicants moved along smoothly and as quickly as possible?  Is there easy access to assessment results, background check results, reference check results, etc?
  • Communication — Do all the internal staff involved in the hiring process receive updates regarding the status of open positions? Are applicants notified as they’re moved through or out of the process? Are applicants notified that positions in which they’re interested are closing?
  • Future Needs — Are good applicants earmarked for future openings?  Do you have a mechanism to easily identify those good applicants when certain opportunities come available in the future?  Is there solid documentation to help remind you and others why these applicants should be considered for other openings?

Taking a fresh look at your hiring process may help you identify important areas for improvement. In making these improvements, you should see better efficiency and improved hiring results.

To learn more about how ExactHire can help you in your “remodeling” efforts, visit our website to learn about our HireCentric ATS and other HR Solutions or contact us today!

Image credit: Eyes For You by Alan L (contact)

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