too many applications

Why More Is Not Always Better – Recruiting Talent

Is the old adage, “Less is more.” really true? Nowadays, new jobs are posted EVERYWHERE! You can find them on job boards, social media, industry specific sites, and even in the newspaper still…I think. This means that MORE applicants are likely seeing your openings, which can also mean MORE applications to review. Hiring can be super stressful when there are too many applicants to review for a position. Here are a few things to remember to make sure you don’t make the mistake of having too many applicants:

  • Be Specific in Job Post

    One of the easiest and obvious ways to reduce the number of candidates is to be extremely specific about what you are looking for in a candidate. Let the applicant know exactly what the required skills are for the position, the location of work, amount of travel and any other requirements that the position may entail. This will hopefully discourage unqualified job seekers from applying and keep you efficient while sorting through the candidates. Beware not to “weed” out everyone though!

  • Be Selective in Where you Post

    Not all jobs need to be on all social media pages and every job board. Depending on the level of job, you could use a basic site such as or  Other jobs could be posted on if it is an executive level position. Finally, consider posting on industry specific sites to help narrow down the field– for example for positions in the hospitality industry.

  • Be Concerned with Screening

    Did you know that you can use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to ask “Knock Out” questions? ExactHire’s HireCentric ATS allows questions to be added to the application process to make sure the candidate will fit your exact needs. This will help you streamline your recruiting process and save yourself time (and hassle!)

Sometimes less IS more, especially when you’re looking to quickly hire for a high skilled position in a competitive job market. Time wasted on posting, sorting, and vetting could be the difference between making the perfect hire and having to settle for an OK candidate. Use these three tips to optimize your hiring process and add top talent to your organization.

“Time wasted on posting, sorting, and vetting could be the difference between making the perfect hire and having to settle for an OK candidate.”


To learn more about ExactHire’s hiring technology, please contact us today for your free demo.

Feature Image Credit: Full of Work by reynermedia(contact)

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