ExactHire Product Updates
The latest enhancements to ExactHire ATS
The latest enhancements to ExactHire ATS
The Application Ratings feature allows Users, given the proper Role permission, to provide a 1 – 5 star rating and to add rating related notes on applications.
Users now have the ability to preview the Job Questions to view the questions from an applicant perspective.
The Event Scheduling (Calendar) tool has been updated to allow a user to schedule an event on any calendar the user has access to and has integrated to their ATS user.
The My Work area will serve as a hub within the ExactHire ATS allowing quick access to the tasks that a user needs to complete each day. Users who have access to My Work will continue to receive messages via email and notification when a new or updated task is available.
CareerJet – A free and automated feed with CareerJet is now available.
Talent.com Job Feed – A free and automated feed with Talent.com is now available.
Duplicate applications submitted by an applicant for the same job have been ungrouped. This change allows users to more easily identify and manage all applications submitted by an applicant. Users can now quickly identify each individual application, simplifying the process of reviewing and making decisions on each one. All application history remains available on the Applications Tab of the Applicant Detail, enabling users to compare duplicate applications effectively.
The note indicator [N] will appear on the JOBS view to allow the user quick access to the notes. Hover over the [N] to display the notes.
My Notifications enables users to customize their notification preferences by opting in or out of specific Email or In App notifications. My Notifications allows individual users the ability to control the notifications they receive, ensuring a personalized and streamlined experience.
Additional options have been added to the Print Summary (Application Print) feature which will now allow a user to easily print additional information from the Application Detail. Users may select to print the completed application, Completed Interviews, Messages, Notes, Application Tags, and/or the Activity Log.
The relocation of the Manage Job Boards button to the Promote page of each job will facilitate convenient access to your job board library for adding and managing both new and existing job board accounts.
The Internal Job ID field is now included in the filter options on the Applications View as well as all standard Reports, enabling you to refine your search for applicants and reports by a specific job’s Internal ID.
Users may now create a new Job Template from an existing job. Instead of copying and pasting text from job descriptions users may instead create and use Job Templates as a foundation for quickly and easily creating live job listings.
The Job Approvals feature allows for the Job Details to be prepared and approved by selected team members prior to publishing (to make Active) the job. Some organizations may call these Requisitions. Creating groups of custom Job Approval Questions as well as Job Approval Groups, allows the software to automate the notification process for needed approvals. Please contact our Client Success Team for more information and to activate this feature in your software.
LinkedIn Job Feed – A free and automated feed with LinkedIn is now available. To activate this feed for your account contact Client Success and provide a link to your company LinkedIn page.
Monster Job Feed – A free and automated feed with Monster is now available. To activate this feed for your account contact Client Success.
Users have the ability to view incomplete applications as well as work with the applicant by sending messages, disqualifying, and marking the application as complete. Utilizing the new filters available in the Applications View users can locate incomplete applications to encourage the completion of the application and increase the number of applicants for the job.
The setting pages have been refreshed with a new design. The functions available on the setting pages have not been changed.
The Application Analytics Report has been updated to include a metric on the number of job ad views from the career site.
A new user Role, Assigned User, has been provided to allow the Assigned User to view only the specific applications assigned to them. Administrative users and others with the appropriate Role permissions have been given the ability to assign applicants to users who have been given the Assigned User Role.
Users may want to take advantage of the ability to send incomplete application reminder communication to applicants who have started but not completed an application. Users will create a new Communication Template and activate the reminder feature in the Communication Templates area.
Users have the ability to add Notes related to the Job in the Notes tab of the Job. Job Notes are visible to users within the ExactHire HR Software only.
The ExactHire HR Software has the option of allowing the use of Geolocation on the career site jobs page. This will allow applicants to be guided to the jobs nearest to their location when searching jobs on the career site.
Ability to view application viewed history. View information related to the application viewed history on the Activity Tab of the Application Details view.
Ability to archive questions in question libraries. Users may now archive questions in the Job Question Library, Application Question Library, and Interview Question Library in order to streamline the question options available in each library.
Job Board Ad Tracking Report is now available in the Reports area. The Job Board Ad Tracking Report provides tracking information related to the job boards to which jobs have been shared.
Edit and delete notes. Users with specific Role permissions may now edit and/or delete notes from the Notes area of the applicant record.
QR Code for a Job. Promote your jobs by using QR Codes on promotional posters and/or flyers.
The Career Site has been updated to add a header bar which can include a redirect to the organization’s website. Please contact Client Success at support@exacthire.com to request the redirect feature be added to your Career Site.
Application Tags may be applied to an application. Application Tags are a type of label that can be assigned to an application to help identify applicants with specific skills.
SnagAJob.com feed. A free and automated feed with SnagAJob.com is now available. To activate this feed for your account contact Client Success at support@exacthire.com.
The ExactHire HR Software allows a client to provide the Google Analytics Tracking ID to be used to capture the analytics of the career site. Google Analytics provides statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes. Please contact support@exacthire.com to begin capturing data.