How to Reach Passive Job Seekers

At ExactHire, we help employers hire through the use of our software and our team of SHRM certified strategists.  Our solutions are effective for attracting both active and passive job seekers. However, in this post, we will discuss how employers can attract passive job seekers. We’ll do this by defining just who is a passive job seeker, then explore their characteristics and establish how employers can launch an effective recruiting initiative.

Who is a Passive Job Seeker?

Put simply, passive job seekers are individuals who already have a job, but would consider another opportunity if it arises.

Think of them as employees on the go–who can quickly hop to the next opportunity when it shows up. They are not totally satisfied with their current job and constantly have an eye out for new opportunities to grow their career. Research shows that the percentage of passive job seekers is continuing to rise, particularly following the storm of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Characteristics of Passive Job Seekers

Now that we’ve identified who a passive job seeker is,  let’s explore the characteristics and traits of these professionals

1.) Open for contact

As discussed earlier, passive candidates are open for new positions, although they may not actively seek these positions due to present work engagements.

They’re always open to learning about new job openings. They’re willing to hear about job offers–bonuses, packages, and new roles. However,  since they are not actively searching for new opportunities, their interest must be triggered by job ads or direct contact.

Therefore, if you’re looking for passive job seekers, consider being actively engaged in finding them. Inquire from colleagues or others in your network whether there are talented professionals who’d be open to working in a different set-up..

2.) Have individual ambition

Passive job seekers are in a better position than most job seekers. That’s because they already have a job; they’re just seeking new opportunities and greener pastures.

Because they’re in a good position, it’s critical to give them an offer they cannot turn down. Professional and personal development motivate some candidates. Others are inspired by a flexible work schedule that supports a positive work-life balance. Others also prefer better payments and better perks. Sometimes targeting passive job seekers is about a fit between personal and company culture.

According to research by Glassdoor, below are five main factors that make professionals likely to show interest in a job offer:

  • Better payments and perks – 48%
  • Better, convenient access or easy commute – 47%
  • High salaries – 46%
  • Work-life-balance – 43%
  • Work-from-home flexibility – 41%

3.) Long-term thinking

Passive job seekers have a long-term thinking mindset. They think of the future and aren’t satisfied with short-term gains over long-term rewards. Their desire to grow and eventually realize their careers. Sometimes realizing their long-term goals may constitute finishing their education first or gaining more experience.

Either way, employers targeting passive job seekers must consider their long-term strategy. The fact that they’re seeking better opportunities is a clear indication of their plans and futuristic mindset. Giving passive job seekers clear opportunities for career growth and recognizing their life-long priorities is a great way of reaching out to them.

4.) Need to be updated

Passive job seekers like to stay updated. And as you embark on reaching out to them, it’s critical to lay a foundation of close contact. Try to establish rapport with them by establishing avenues for contact and interaction – whether online or offline.

For instance, you may build rapport with someone who’s interested but not ready to switch up to a new role just yet. If this happens, it’s advisable to keep in close contact with the candidate for future openings.

By keeping in contact, the professional may be able to make a change when the time is right. Keeping in close contact helps monitor your target job seeker even as time changes.

Why would you want a passive job seeker over an active one?

There are many reasons why organizations and recruiters prefer passive job seekers over active ones:

  • They’re passionate about development and growth. Their passion for growth and professional development implies that your organization can grow with people with a ‘growth’ mindset.
  • Won’t come without a reason. Passive job seekers won’t come to your organization without a reason. These job candidates need incentives for them to consider alternative positions.
  • Choose your organization. Passive job seekers take the time to study your organization. They’re keen to learn the dynamics that make your organization stand out. Because they have a clear goal to achieve, passive job seekers are critical of your organization.
  • Less time pressure. Active job seekers are pressured by time and situation. That means they’re less likely to be critical about their job preferences, which will have long-term implications on job satisfaction levels. Passive job seekers have less time pressure, meaning they’re positioned to make good career decisions.
  • Strong relationship before hiring. When targeting passive job seekers, you’ll find competent candidates who are interested, but not ready to leave their current positions. That is an excellent opportunity for you to build rapport with them and establish a relationship.

Focusing attention on passive job seekers gained momentum in the early 2010’s. Changing job patterns and shifting workplace dynamics have shifted the focus, allowing recruiters to focus their efforts on both active and passive candidates.

ExactHire – Streamlining Your Search for Passive Job Seekers

Whether you’re looking for active or passive candidates, ExactHire provides customizable software solutions that help streamline your hiring. ExactHire provides applicant tracking software, employee onboarding software, and employee assessment software to improve your hiring outcomes.

Rather not implement software? ExactHire Full Service Hiring is a solution for employers who don’t have the time or resources to manage a hiring process. Our team will advertise your open positions, manage applicant communications, screen candidates based on your criteria, and then deliver you qualified best-fit candidates.

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