
Sustainability in your HR Practices

Sustainability. Merriam-Webster defines sustain as “trying to keep up or prolong”, and ability as the “means or skill to do something” so we can conclude that sustainability means having the skill to keep an activity going.  Now, let’s add the word corporate in front of sustainabilityCorporate sustainability – what does that mean to you? Corporate sustainability is not a token term. It is becoming a driving force in the work culture of many organizations and a key concept sought after by many job seekers. Corporate sustainability is the concept that will differentiate companies and give them a competitive edge while helping to preserve our planet so the needs of future generations can be met.


Human Resources personnel is the driving force of interpersonal operations within a company of any size.  They are tasked with maintaining the communication balance within an organization and drive cultural initiatives. Here are five key ways Human Resources can promote company sustainability initiatives.  


Communicate the importance of sustainability

Creating and promoting positive change must begin at the top and work down, but Human Resources will be tasked with communicating the importance of sustainability. Senior leadership and Human Resources must work collaboratively to communicate the value of sustainability and reassure employees that green initiatives will be more beneficial than cumbersome. Communicate sustainability practices on social media and the company’s website to promote positive company branding. 

Clearly defined messages of what the company is doing to promote sustainability and why it is important must be delivered in different communication formats. Workshops and training sessions to explain the company’s efforts. As well as what each employee must do to achieve established sustainability goals will help communicate the message in a consistent manner. HR can facilitate small focus groups of employees to further strategize and spearhead company established green initiatives. Team building will help employees better understand company sustainability initiatives. It will also provide an opportunity to assimilate those initiatives into daily culture instead of an ordinary task to complete.  Progress begins with change, and all employees make a difference.


Save the trees. Go paperless.

Job applications, new hire paperwork, assessment results…so many facets of the employment process are still being completed with paper. Did you know that:

  • The U.S. uses about 30% of the global paper supply although it accounts for only 4.25% of the world’s population.
  • The average person in the U.S. uses more than 700 pounds of paper every year.
  • U.S offices use 12.1 trillion sheets of paper a year.
  • Paper accounts for around 26% of landfill waste.
  • 93% of paper comes from trees.
  • It takes nearly 47 gallons of water per ream of paper.
  • Reducing paper use reduces greenhouse gasses – 40 reams of paper is equivalent to 1.5 acres of a pine forest absorbing carbon for a year.

HR professionals are inundated with personal details of employees that must be kept confidential and secure.  Collecting paper applications and having employee data on paper is risky. Papers with employee data can get lost, be seen by unauthorized people and can get misfiled where access is unknown or unrestricted. Keep private details private by using cloud based employment software. SaaS (Software as a Service) offers no software installation on servers. The software provider does the heavy lifting – training, support, and upgrades – so employees can do the job they are supposed to. Stop using paper, and go paperless in the company’s employment processes.  Recruit using a robust Applicant Tracking System (ATS), onboard and communicate with employees using an intuitive Onboarding System and conduct Employee Assessments to evaluate employees’ skills all electronically. Going paperless saves time, money and offers a heightened level of security that paper cannot.   


Onsite versus Offsite

Remote and hybrid work schedules reduce emissions as compared with the daily drive to and from work. Human Resources professionals need to explore the financial and environmental impacts of flexible work arrangements and scheduling.  Evaluate if some roles can be completed in a four day week compared to a five day week to reduce commute time.  Examine the amount of domestic and international travel that needs to occur. Do employees really need to travel to another location for certain meetings? Can the message and collaboration occur with technology instead where travel is unneeded?  Remote and hybrid work schedules will not be conducive for all industries (ex. healthcare, manufacturing, and K-12 education), but it can work for many roles. This was proven when employees in many fields were forced to work from home due to COVID. 


Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R)

Look around within the company.  How quickly are items thrown away without a second thought?  Approximately 40% of all food in the U.S. goes into the trash taking second place to paper products. Every hour in the U.S., 2.5 million plastic bottles are tossed into the trash. Convenience today is not helping tomorrow. HR is intuitive of the work culture and can be leaders in the 3R initiative.

HR professionals are finding ways to cut costs by implementing sustainable practices. Reduce or eliminate the use of “disposable” cups in the break area and fill the areas with reusable items. Create a company food compost area to prevent food waste.  Have designated areas for recycling plastics, paper, cardboard, equipment and metals. Offer buybacks with gift cards or extra time off when employees recycle.  Track the company’s cost savings and environmental impact and share the data with employees to validate their efforts are saving money and advancing the sustainability mission.


Choose suppliers that are promoting sustainability

Knowledge is power. Find out what your company’s suppliers are doing. Are they minimizing waste and attempting to reduce emissions?  Does the supplier conduct internal audits to seek ways to be more sustainable?  How are materials procured? Is the vendor following fair-trade and cultural laws against child labor and paying fair wages to employees? Knowing the answer to suppliers’ internal and external practices can have a positive influence on the company’s financial and brand statuses. If your company is preaching sustainability, but purchasing from vendors who do not adhere to the same principles your company has communicated, it will take a lot to convince customers and job seekers that you practice what you preach which can result in a loss of money and talent. 

Company goals for the next year, five years and even ten years will pass in a blink of an eye. While it is important for a company to be profitable, leadership must take initiative to explore and implement sustainable practices to do their part in helping future generations grow and succeed to ensure longevity.  Contact ExactHire to learn more about our Applicant Tracking System (ATS), Onboarding System and  Employee Assessments to support your organization in your paperless initiatives towards sustainable practices.

The Impact of Gen Z in the Workplace

Looking to attract the next generation of talent? Then it might be time to use up to date, proven effective methods of hiring. An ATS, specifically ExactHire ATS is the perfect place to start. With ability to post to thousands of job boards, write accurate job descriptions, QR code applications and text recruiting you’ll be able to target and find the most qualified candidates out there.

Human Resources professionals are considered the unifying beacon for employees within an organization. Successful companies encompass a variety of talent and include workers from each generation to share knowledge and experience, all with differing perspectives.  Boomers are retiring, and some Gen X are strategically planning for retirement.  Over the next decade, there will be a loss of intellectual talent through retirements in those two generational categories alone.  Millennials are developing their careers helping to bridge the loss of Boomers in the workforce, but Millennials alone can’t fill the rapidly growing anticipated number of Boomer and Gen X vacancies. This is where Gen Z becomes the final puzzle piece to companies’ desire for productive talent. By 2025, it is anticipated that 30% of the workforce will be composed of Gen Z workers. Let’s learn more about this group of workers and how Human Resources and companies can support Gen Z talent to ensure success.

Who Makes us Gen Z?

People born from 1997 to 2012 are classified as Gen Z.  What makes Gen Z so different compared to other generations?  For starters, this group of people grew up completely in the Internet age so technology is a concept they have observed during their whole lifetime. The learning curve of technology does not exist, and Gen Z is often called “Zoomers” for a reason.  Members of this generation like to “see” who they are working with, even if it is through video software. Gen Z is the most diverse generation, and here are some key data points shared by the World Economic Forum:

  • 48% of Gen Zers are from Black or minority ethnic backgrounds 
  • 1 in 6 individuals identify as LGBTQIA+. 


Why do those stats matter? Here’s why:  Gen Zers seek work cultures that are welcoming to everyone.  

  • 1 in 2 Gen Zers won’t work in a place without diverse leadership
  • 68% of Gen Zers say their employer is not doing enough to build a diverse workplace


While Gen Z can be personified as diverse and inclusive, it can also be portrayed as “entitled” by critics. But are they really “entitled”, or are Gen Zers opening people’s eyes to change? Gen Z had a substantial chunk of their high school and/or post-high school education redefined by COVID. Remote learning and video conferencing were part of their daily routine so it can be a challenge for Gen Zers to understand why some organizations do not support remote or hybrid workstyles when Gen Zers completed their learning tasks in that matter. 70% will choose a hybrid job over one that is not according to the World Economic Forum

What Motivates Gen Z?

They’ve got money on their mind.  Forbes reports that 46% of Gen Zers listed salary as the driving factor when accepting a job. Gen Zers are not only supporting themselves, but many are helping support their parents with recession concerns and skyrocketing inflation.  Living independently is a challenge due to high housing costs. Ultimately, to offset all the rising expenses, Gen Zers seek jobs that pay well from the start. Gen Zers seek progression…career progression.  Companies need to ignite Gen Zers internal fire to work hard and achieve the attainable goal of earning leadership promotions and compensatory pay for their stellar performance. The work hard/play hard concept exists as long as it is mutually profitable.  


While salary is a high priority, work-life balance appears to be even higher.  Gen Zers seek work to fit around their personal life.  According to Forbes, 40% of Gen Zers consider flexible hours and workdays as a deal-breaker when evaluating a job offer. Seventy-five percent of those surveyed would prefer a job that offered full flexibility over one with a high salary. Companies need to take heed…if flexibility is not an option within the company culture, the result will be a loss of a substantial amount of Gen Z talent. Is a lack of a flexible work arrangement worth losing a pipeline of talent?

Mental Health

Mental health resources is an essential component of a Gen Zer’s employee value proposition (EVP).  The global pandemic increased mental health issues for people of all ages; however, Gen Z feels the effects more overall.  Multiple studies show approximately one in three Gen Zers feel that they are struggling with mental health issues. Companies must provide mental health resources for Gen Zers and encourage the use of those resources to employees of all generations without shaming.  Social connections are integral; COVID decimated social opportunities for this generation so many Gen Zers are eager to connect with others. Team and whole company events and outside of work service volunteers help Gen Zers fulfill their social needs and develop a work camaraderie. 

Positives Attributes of Gen Z

Gen Zers have many positive attributes.  This generation is highly driven and motivated to succeed.  They are socially aware due to its diverse nature and understand the importance of having all individuals contribute to the common goal.  Seventy-seven percent of Gen Zers want to work for a company whose values align with their own.  Gen Zers want to know that the company that they work for is making a positive influence internally and externally. Companies need to communicate the philanthropic causes and efforts supported by leadership and its employees.  Social causes and positive change are important to Gen Zers so companies need to provide opportunities for Gen Zers to make a difference by volunteering in community support and outreach events.  A company’s mission and vision are integral to a Gen Zer when applying for a role.  


To attract Gen Z candidates, make sure your job listings on your applicant tracking system (ATS) are written to include key content they want to know about the job before applying:  What will this job pay? What benefits exist that meet my needs? Is this role onsite, hybrid or remote?  What flexible work options exist? How will this job positively impact the community?  If your organization is unsure how to write job listings to attract Gen Zers, let ExactHire do the heavy lifting for you through our Full Service Hiring.  Knowing how to attract Gen Zers will help organizations find knowledgeable talent that is eager to commit to an organization that commits to them.  Don’t miss out on a generation that seeks to make a difference!

Data Privacy and Employee Surveillance

Remote work presents a litany of challenges for an organization. One of those being how the organization handles data privacy. Another is the unique challenges of remote hiring. To circumvent these issues utilize ExactHire’s Full Service Hiring service. We will send out job advertisements, source candidates, interview candidates, and finally present to you the final best options for the position for you to make your hiring decision.

Data Privacy

Privacy is a concept that is hard to find and fleeting to define in our evolving world. The average employee will spend over 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. We are constantly connected through devices. People’s professional and personal lives blend in many roles. Particularly for salary employees who often respond to work needs at all hours of the day. The pandemic rapidly shifted many employees to fully remote or hybrid roles where work has been successfully completed outside the company workspace.

Many remote and hybrid employees are enjoying their new office environment in the comforts of their home or while traveling. With the dramatic shift in work environments, that has led to some companies developing heightened concerns about their employees’ actions and efficiency.  Companies are in the midst of conundrum on how to validate that employees, both onsite and remote, are ethical and using work time to perform work specific tasks while recognizing that employees are humans who have to balance work with personal life and seek work autonomy. 

Reasons For Monitoring Data

Companies express that they have bona fide reasons to monitor onsite and remote employees. Many jobs require the use of social media platforms. However managers want to know that their employees are performing their tasks and not scrolling social media for non-work related reasons. They want to know that employees are not sharing confidential information with unauthorized people.  Also, concerns of workplace harassment and violence fuel managers’ concern to identify potentially volatile situations. Content from data monitoring can also be used in legal proceedings. The argument exists that employee surveillance is a way to mitigate risk. It can, but potentially at a cost.      

How to Monitor Employee Data

Employee surveillance can occur in a multitude of ways.  The most commonly known example is video recording within the public spaces of the work environment. Laws exist to prevent the use of cameras in private places, such as restrooms and locker rooms. State laws vary to the definition of locations and scope of camera use. With the increase of remote work, monitoring software can be downloaded onto electronic devices to monitor employees’ activities on their laptops and phones. Device GPS features can identify where an employee is located as well.       

Reasons For and Against Data Privacy

While employee surveillance can potentially mitigate risk and loss of productivity and profit, it can also be a catalyst for a loss of productivity and profit.  Employees have bona fide reasons to dislike employee surveillance. Keystroke and website monitoring software will track employees’ actions within their devices. Time management software can calculate active and idle time, but what defines active and idle? Maybe that employee who is listed as “idle” is having a phone conversation with a customer or coworker. That person could be reviewing a book or other non-electronic resource for a work task.

Many employees feel that they are not trusted to do the tasks of the role in which they were hired when monitoring controls are implemented.  If employees complete a task too quickly, then they can be questioned about what they do in their downtime. If they take too long to complete a task, the employees’ abilities could be questioned. It is inevitable for an employee at any level not to have a need to address a personal matter during the day.  Will that employee be penalized if they take a moment to order a birthday gift online or schedule an appointment?  The possibility exists especially if a company does not have a clearly defined policy itemizing expectations and purposes of employee data monitoring. 

Federal Laws for Monitoring Data

Before crafting or amending a company policy on employee data privacy and surveillance, it is important to be aware of federal and state legislation regarding these concepts. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA) is a federal law that specifically addresses monitoring of electronic communications in the workplace. Within this legislation, the “business purpose exception” allows employers to monitor oral and electronic communications provided the company can validate a legitimate business purpose for doing so.

This legislation establishes minimum restrictions. Keep in mind that states can create more restrictive legislation. So if your organization hires in different states or countries, it is essential to know the established laws for those areas.  Unionized companies in particular must be cognizant that workplace recording typically is agreed upon in collective bargaining discussions before monitoring is implemented. If monitoring occurs without being approved by union stewards, the company could face repercussions. ExactHire does not provide legal counsel. So consult with your company’s legal team regarding data privacy and employment surveillance policies or plans for your organization. 

Honesty in the Workplace

Honesty is the best policy. So is having a data privacy and employee surveillance policy which is communicated and understood by all employees. Companies need to be forthcoming with their employees so employees understand what information is being collected and why. Employers need to create a data privacy and employee surveillance policy for employees that outlines key items. These include what is being monitored and when, what is prohibited use, what will happen if violations occur, how will employees’ data be used and stored for starting points.

Include company specific needs in the policy also. Solicit feedback from management and employees to understand differing perspectives. Once a policy is created internally, the company’s legal team should examine the content. Ensure it adheres to all federal, state, and applicable international laws. All employees should be informed about the data privacy and employee surveillance policy in a consistent way and educated on the company’s expectations and repercussions as outlined in the policy. Employees should be given ample opportunities to ask questions and seek clarification of the final policy before signing. Whether the policy is electronically or physically signed, ensure the policy is housed securely in the employee’s file within the company’s onboarding platform.    


Transparency is important. Companies need to be forthcoming with employees that they are being monitored and for what purpose. Clearly explaining what data is being collected and how it will be used by the company. This is essential in maintaining trust between employees and management. If an employee feels as if their performance and/or integrity are being questioned or challenged by the people who trust them to do their role, that employee is going to start exploring other professional opportunities. Some turnover will inevitably occur as data monitoring increases within a company. However, a company cannot afford to lose key talent by projecting a “Big Brother” constantly over-the-shoulder persona.  It is hard to move forward if talent is consistently looking over their shoulders.

Upskilling and Reskilling Strategies

Upskilling and reskilling strategies help promote from within, but what about growing companies that need more talent? Check out ExactHire ATS or our Full Service Hiring solution to improve your hiring as soon as today!

Companies are healing from nearly four years of a global pandemic that brought turmoil, uncertainty, and financial hardships. Supply chain issues have improved in certain sectors, but high interest rates and increasing costs of supplies, compounded with ongoing talent acquisition challenges, still lead to challenging times for companies and Human Resources departments. 

Retaining talent can be a challenge, especially when companies evolve internally to maintain or leverage a competitive stance against their company counterparts. For companies to combat the shift from the “maturity” stage into the “decline” stage in the product lifecycle process, foresight and adaptability are essential to survival.  HR leaders need to proactively look ahead to anticipated trends and prepare for unanticipated changes in the organization.

This can start with reviewing a the driving force behind the company’s future – its talent. Upskilling and reskilling employees will craft a competitive edge in an ever-changing global market.  

An Evolving Workspace

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), major changes are anticipated in the workplace, not only for large scale businesses, but small and medium businesses as well.  In general, the WEF estimates that by 2025, 50% of all employees will need reskilling due to new technology. Think back to five years ago…how many leaders were planning, much less talking, about prepping for a global pandemic and record numbers of employees who resigned from their roles? Not enough. Change is inevitable, and it is crucial that HR departments and company leadership support its internal talent as change continuously cycles. 

As company products and service offerings evolve, internal disruptions will occur. Current employees who have extensive skills and cultural knowledge will need additional support. Instead of eliminating expiring and outdated positions resulting in a loss of skilled talent and cultural fit, companies can realign productive existing employees by molding them into evolving roles with proper support and guidance. Companies cannot afford to lose talent to their competitors.  As roles and tasks change within an organization, companies must do what they can to maintain a competitive advantage. This is where upskilling and reskilling are essential. 

Upskilling and Reskilling

Although the premise of skill-changing occurs with both upskilling and reskilling, they are not the same concepts.  Upskilling is providing the opportunity for employees to learn new skills for their roles when taking on additional responsibilities. Upskilling might or might not be the result of a promotion. Often, it can result from a promotion; however, upskilling can result from the elimination of another position where the duties of that discontinued role are divided between existing employees who maintain their same roles.

Reskilling is providing the opportunity for employees to learn new skills in order to perform a different job. These newly acquired skills are typically outside of the worker’s existing skill sets. Often, reskilling occurs when manual tasks become automated. Reskilling has a tendency to be a cost-saver; providing supplemental training on new skills saves the company money compared to the time and cost to recruit, screen, hire and onboard a new person. 

Both upskilling and reskilling are essential in today’s work culture, especially as technology tools develop at quick rates.  Learning opportunities through upskilling and reskilling are a time and financial investment with high returns. Here are ways for HR and company leaders to integrate upskilling and reskilling in their culture:

Create a Career Pathing Plan

Managers and employees need to communicate with each other to identify employees’ strengths and areas for growth. This will allow them to work together to craft a long-range career plan. Managers need to ask probing questions to employees to determine short-term and long-term employee goals and communicate how those goals co-exist with the direction of the company and global market.  Employees need to share their career goals and performance vision with managers to see where their goals align with the company’s needs and where modifications must occur.  Create a learning plan for employees, and track your employees’ progress within the company’s onboarding platform.  OnboardCentric offers the ability to link training videos and learning materialEmployee assessments are another way to assess skills. Use employee assessment results to chart a course of future progression for employees to help them increase their contribution to the success of the company.  

Connect with Education Providers

Training needs to be relevant and convenient for employees who are already methodically balancing work and life requirements. Identify different methods of training and offer alternative options to employees. Some employees prefer face-to-face instruction while others prefer to go at their own pace via online resources.  Training delivery needs to be incorporated during the workday for hourly and salary employees. This promotes a work-life balance and to adhere to company and legal pay and related guidelines. Many universities bring technical, soft skills and hard skill training onsite to the company as an alternative to traditional credit-based coursework at a learning institution. 

Keep in mind, not all training must lead to an academic degree; certain roles might require a particular licensure or certification while some employees can benefit from brief learning modules. Reputable online platforms such as Khan Academy, Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer convenient learning tools. Khan Academy, while geared more towards K-12 education, offers free programming learning modules focused on CSS, HTML, SQL, JavaScript and Python. Also, for native and immigrant workers who need additional support in language and math, resources of the sort can help with refining and attaining core skills to bridge existing gaps.

Develop a Mentorship Program

Upskilling and reskilling does not necessarily have to occur through formal coursework or training sessions. It can occur in the transfer of knowledge from one employee to another. Seasoned employees possessing specific skill sets and cultural knowledge offer a wealth of knowledge that can be lost with retirement or company departure. Transferring knowledge through a mentorship program yields a myriad of benefits.

A mentor and the mentee can develop a strong bond where questions and answers are confidently asked and answered without the fear of ridicule or looking ignorant in front of peers.  A mentor shares their wisdom about what works and what does not work which keeps knowledge retained within the organization. A mentee can ask questions to the mentor about processes and procedures that could lead to positive change because the mentee brings new perceptions and approaches about existing tasks and goals. From any angle, a mentorship program is a catalyst in upskilling and reskilling employees. 

Incentivize Upskilling and Reskilling

Although money is a highly desired incentive by many people, money is not the only incentive that is rewarding. When seeking to incentive upskilling and reskilling, find out what is important to employees. Added job security and/or promotions can be incentives. As employees upskill or reskill, companies can provide monetary rewards through bonuses and pay increases. Tangible rewards such as company swag and gift cards are popular options. No matter the type of incentive offered to employees, it is crucial for company leadership to publicly acknowledge employees’ successes and efforts. Employees want to know their hard work and additional efforts are known to others and especially appreciated. Ultimately, an incentive is an appreciation tool so find what motivates employees and use those motivators as incentives.

Upskilling and reskilling employees shows a bona fide commitment to employees by the organization. Employees feel valued and possess a sense of belonging. They appreciate knowing their talents and skills are appreciated in addition to knowing that companies value employees’ contributions. By creating a positive employee morale, it helps establish a positive work culture leading to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates. Employees who have the ability to learn new skills on the job tend to stay with the organization longer. Upskilling and reskilling is an investment in employees that will produce a positive return for companies.

Exit Interviews

It is never easy when talent leaves an organization voluntarily or even involuntarily. It takes time, money and lots of effort to replace the departed employee. Reallocating the departed employee’s tasks to other workers is also a hard task.  Understanding why an employee leaves is an essential part of effective leadership. As turnover increases, the morale of the employees decreases within the organization. If a company can find out the reasons why employees are leaving, that provides valuable information that can be used to change the strategic design of employee relations within the company. 

One instrumental way to collect this information is to conduct an exit interview with departing employees.  While it might be too late to retain departing employees who were an asset to the company, the departing employee might share overlooked perspectives that can help the company retain other employees who are on the brink of leaving. Leadership needs to cast aside avoidance of employee candor. Host exit interviews with departing employees with the goal that acquiring potentially brutal commentary can help reduce the likelihood of hearing more of that candor in the future.


What is an exit interview?

An exit interview is a conversation between the departing employee and key leadership. Key leadership often includes Human Resources personnel or another designated neutral leader.  If the departing employee’s manager participates in the exit interview, it could lead to the employee withholding key details about why they are leaving in fear of confrontation. The purpose of an exit interview is to understand why an employee is voluntarily leaving in order to reduce future turnover.

An ideal time frame for this interview is within the last two weeks of the departing employee’s last day of employment or around the midpoint between the employee’s departure announcement and their official last day.  Ideally, having the exit interview as a face-to-face conversation is preferred. However, as more employees are remote and/or housed in different locations that might be geographically challenging to meet, online meeting tools can be used. The important item is to conduct an exit interview before the employee leaves.  

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How to conduct an exit interview:

Be consistent.  All voluntarily departing employees, hourly and salary, long-term and short-term, should have an exit interview, including seasonal employees. Confidentiality is crucial to getting applicable information that can be used to make positive change within an organization. However, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in certain situations such as turnover in a small company. Or if the departing employee indicates that criminal action (ex. harassment, theft, etc.) has been observed.  When exit interviews allude to potential criminal activity within an organization, it is essential to get the company’s legal team involved for guidance. ExactHire does not provide legal counsel so check with your company’s legal team regarding specific items to include within exit interviews.


Consider having a list of standard questions that are asked to each departing employee. Other questions can be included that are pertinent to the role, department and employee.  Take notes, but maintain focus on the departing employee’s thoughts. Exit interviewers must be skilled in active listening. Active listening is the concept of being fully engaged with the other person in a conversation.  The goal is not listening to respond; it is listening to understand.  Time is of the essence so the exit interviewer should ask the most crucial questions in which feedback is desired.

Exit Interview Questions

To collect information on certain items like policies, training, etc., consider supplementing the exit interview with a link to a survey where the departing employee can include additional feedback and ratings. Create a questionnaire for distribution as needed, and store data in your company’s onboarding platform. In the personal exit interview, here are ten questions that can be asked to the departing employee to prompt the departing employee to share relevant information: 


  1. What made you start looking for a new opportunity? 
  2. What solidified your decision to accept your new role?
  3. What could have influenced your decision to stay with our company?
  4. Would you recommend others to work for our company? Why? Why not?
  5. What recommendations do you have for our company to improve?
  6. What are your thoughts about the direction of your department? Company?
  7. How could your manager have supported you better? Supported the department better?
  8. What are your least favorite parts about working here?  Most favorite parts?
  9. Did you previously share any of your concerns and challenges discussed today with management and/or HR? If yes, what was their response?  
  10. What concerns or comments would you like to share?  


In the exit interview, be gracious and listen to what the departing employee says, even if it is not what is desired to hear. Empathy is a must. The employee is leaving voluntarily because their needs were not met. An exit interview gives the employee a chance to share their thoughts on why the decision to leave was made. Candidly, it can give the departing employee peace of mind that they shared a piece of their mind.  The employee will be feeling a gamut of emotions: sadness or happiness they are leaving, frustration or excitement about the pending change, along with fear and uncertainty of what is next with the current and future company. 

The exit interviewer(s) need to understand why, and be cognizant that in the departing employee’s eyes, the company did not fully meet their needs and not take offense at that. Do not burn the bridge in how you respond to the departing employee.  That departing employee could become a boomerang employee and rejoin the company’s workforce again in the future. 


Ultimately the purpose of an exit interview is for the company to acquire information about how to improve and to strengthen the relationship between the departing employee and the company. Showing genuine concern for the comments shared and appreciation for the time spent at the organization will hopefully leave the departing employee with a strengthened positive perception of the company.  Word-of-mouth can help or hinder recruitment for an organization.  No company wants to be perceived as a stressful and horrible place to work. Take the knowledge obtained from exit interviews to ensure that past, present and future employees observe a company committed to the success of their most valuable asset – people.

Last Minute Seasonal Hiring

‘Tis the season for seasonal hiring! Seasonal hiring recruitment should start in late August or early September for the holiday season. However, it is not too late to find talent if you notice that staffing needs are increasing now within your organization. Want a quick fix to streamline your seasonal hiring efforts?

ExactHire Full Service Hiring can jump start the process within a week!


Retail, warehouse/logistics, and food service are the best known industries to utilize seasonal employees. Those industries are faced with an influx of additional sales, events, and distribution around holidays.  In December 2021, US department stores had sales of $17.1 billion dollars (around 13% of total revenue for 2021), according to the United States Census Bureau.

The seasonal need for additional help in small, medium and large businesses cannot be ignored. Businesses need the additional support to not only meet the demand, but to deliver stellar customer service that will leave customers wanting more after the holiday season. 

Here are some tips to help fulfill seasonal hiring needs.

Seasonal Recruitment

Recruiting for seasonal talent takes a slightly different twist. Seasonal hiring is fiercely competitive so check to see what competitors are offering and surpass those offerings if the budget allows. Consider the following:

  • When writing the job listing, clearly state that the role is temporary but distinguish that pay is competitive.
  • Make sure that job requirements for the seasonal role are realistic. There is no need to require a college degree for specific roles such as delivery or retail associate.   
  • Particularly for seasonal full-time employees, consider what benefit options can be afforded to those workers.
  • Employees can be loyal customers too. If there is an end of the season bonus or employee discounts, state that.
  • Specify the specific times for each shift. If there is an expectation of employees to work overtime, include that in the requirements. Some people can work only weekends while some can only work during the day or night.
  • Reach out to schools and universities. High school and college students can help fill weekend shifts.
  • Stay-at-home parents can help fulfill staffing needs during the school day while their children are in school.
  • Do not ignore retired job seekers who would like extra money in the pursuit of additional socialization opportunities.


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Raise Awareness

Get the word out that your organization is hiring. While posting job ads on your organization’s website, social media, and nationally known job boards is common, here are some less common (and often more effective) ways to promote your opening:

  •  Ask current employees for referrals, and find a way to reward them for hired referrals.
  • Find niche job boards focused on jobs within your company’s industry. 
  • Save valuable time and money by automating job postings to multiple job boards. Use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to automatically post job listings to job boards, allowing you to avoid having to manually enter and monitor a listing on each and every job site.

Seasonal Employee Onboarding

After finding seasonal talent that will help your company thrive, extend an offer to new employees and quickly start the onboarding process. You can automate and speed up parts of the onboarding process with the use of employee onboarding software. Here are a few examples of the items that onboarding software can help with:

  • Collect essential employee eligibility verification documents efficiently.
  • Collect employee contact information.
  • Provision employees with needed work clothing and equipment.

But onboarding is not just collecting documents and completing forms; it is welcoming and acclimating new employees. Make them feel welcome and an essential part of the team even though their tenure is limited. Be sure to:

  • Provide essential training in a timely manner.
  • Solicit their questions and concerns and provide direction to them.
  • Response to their needs, and check in with them regularly to make sure they are learning and applying their skills.

Although some seasonal employees go into the role knowing it is not permanent, nothing is certain. It is not uncommon for a seasonal employee who was hired for a temporary role to become the next permanent employee within that organization. This makes it all the more important to provide an efficient and enjoyable onboarding experience.

Seasonal Offboarding  

As with any employee departure, departing employees can share their perspectives with others. Negative word-of-mouth can impact future recruitment and sales. Here are a few tips:

  • Be gracious when the employee’s term is up.
  • Thank them for their willingness to be a part of the team.
  • Identify which seasonal employees are interested in working at your company for the long-term.
  • Communicate with the seasonal talent that you would like to work with again.

Consider the value of seasonal talent beyond the season. This is talent that the organization has already seen in action, so invite them to apply when a “right-fit” permanent job opening exists. An added bonus of transitioning a seasonal employee into a full-time role is that the learning curve for the new role is greatly reduced.  


Seasonal employees are a valuable asset to an organization. Hiring seasonal workers reduces overall payroll costs when compared to hiring permanent workers. But more than that, they provide support for full-time and part-time permanent employees which can help reduce stress levels for full-time employee permanent employees and increase company morale. 

In addition to providing essential support, seasonal employees offer new perspectives that can be shared with existing employees and management to enhance viability in the consumer market.

If you need assistance with seasonal hiring needs, now or later, reach out to ExactHire to learn more about Full Service Hiring.  Let our team of SHRM certified strategists write, promote and screen applicants to help you fulfill your hiring needs.  

HR Software is Essential for Modern Organizations

Need software for hiring and onboarding? Or, maybe you’re looking to outsource some of your hiring tasks to a SHRM certified team?

Let’s have a quick chat to learn whether ExactHire has a solution that fits your needs!


Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference.

HR software companies have become indispensable partners for businesses of all sizes. They help you manage your most valuable asset – your employees – with greater ease and effectiveness.

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and stay competitive. One area where companies are increasingly turning to technology for assistance is human resources.

The Role of HR Software in Modern Organizations

Human resources is the backbone of any organization. HR professionals are responsible for recruiting, onboarding, training, managing benefits, handling payroll, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. They also play a crucial role in employee engagement, performance management, and fostering a positive workplace culture.

In the past, HR tasks were largely manual and time-consuming, requiring a significant amount of paperwork and administrative effort. However, with the advent of HR software, these processes have become more streamlined and efficient. Allowing HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives that drive business growth.

Why HR Software is Essential

  1. Efficiency and Time Savings: HR software automates many routine administrative tasks, such as employee record-keeping, payroll processing, and benefits management. This automation saves HR teams countless hours, allowing them to allocate their time and resources more effectively. With HR software, businesses can process HR functions faster and with greater accuracy.
  2. Data Accuracy and Compliance: Compliance with labor laws and regulations is a critical aspect of HR management. HR software companies design their platforms to ensure data accuracy and compliance with local, state, and federal laws. This minimizes the risk of costly errors, fines, or legal issues that can arise from non-compliance.
  3. Employee Self-Service: Many HR software solutions offer self-service portals for employees, allowing them to access their own information, submit time-off requests, update personal details, and view pay stubs. This not only empowers employees to take control of their HR needs but also reduces the administrative burden on HR staff.
  4. Streamlined Recruitment and Onboarding: Finding and hiring the right talent is a top priority for businesses. HR software simplifies the recruitment process by providing tools for posting job openings, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and making job offers. Onboarding new hires is also more efficient with digital workflows and training modules.
  5. Performance Management and Talent Development: HR software often includes performance management tools that help track employee goals, provide feedback, and facilitate performance reviews. It also supports talent development by identifying skills gaps and creating training plans to upskill employees.

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Scaling your Business

In addition to increasing efficiency in process that companies already have to do they can also aid in scaling the company. Tasks that were once pen and paper could be done for 10’s om employees or less. However when a company scales to 50, 100, or even more employees it can become a problem. HR software handles this process and allows you to scale in various ways.

  1. Analytics and Reporting: HR software companies offer robust analytics and reporting features that enable organizations to make data-driven decisions. HR professionals can gain insights into workforce trends, turnover rates, compensation structures, and more, helping them optimize their HR strategies.
  2. Scalability: As businesses grow, their HR needs evolve. HR software is scalable, meaning it can adapt to accommodate changing requirements. Whether a company is a small startup or a multinational corporation, HR software can scale up or down to meet the organization’s size and complexity.
  3. Cost Savings: While there is an initial investment in HR software, the long-term cost savings are substantial. Fewer manual processes mean fewer personnel hours devoted to administrative tasks, reduced paperwork and printing costs, and lower error rates. Additionally, improved workforce management can lead to better resource allocation and reduced turnover. Saving money on recruitment and training.
  4. Remote Work Support: In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations shifted to remote work. HR software companies quickly adapted by offering remote-friendly features, such as virtual onboarding, digital document signing, and secure access to HR data from anywhere. This flexibility has become crucial in the modern work environment.
  5. Employee Engagement and Satisfaction: HR software can contribute to improved employee engagement and satisfaction. When employees have easy access to their HR information, receive timely feedback, and experience a smooth onboarding process, they are more likely to feel valued and engaged in their work.


In the digital age, HR software companies have emerged as vital partners for organizations. Especially those looking to optimize their HR processes, enhance employee experiences, and drive business success. The benefits of HR software extend beyond simple efficiency gains; they include improved data accuracy, compliance, and strategic workforce planning.

As technology continues to advance and the business landscape evolves, HR software companies will remain at the forefront of innovation. They will continue to help organizations adapt to new challenges and opportunities. For companies that value their employees as their most valuable asset, investing in HR software is not just a choice but a necessity for staying competitive and thriving in the modern world of work.

Skills Based Hiring

Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference

Another important concept our SHRM certified strategists addressed was the topic of Skills Based Hiring. Human Resources professionals know it is not easy to fill job openings. Currently, there are approximately 10 million vacant jobs in the United States. Where are all the candidates? That is a question that cannot easily be answered. However, there is a recruitment strategy ready for utilization to attract more qualified candidates, and that is skills based hiring.

Skills based hiring is the concept of screening and evaluating candidates based on their knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) and performance potential. This would be instead of focusing on the degree, if any, that they earned and their past job history. Skills based hiring is a way to help organizations fill high-volume and high-turnover positions in particular. It can also be applicable for use in other roles too though. Skills based hiring offers an organization a way to fill vacant roles while exponentially expanding its applicant pool by allowing previously excluded applicants the opportunity to validate their ability to perform in sought after job openings. 

Addressing Concerns

Skills based hiring can generate some nervousness within an organization. In a sense, it shatters the philosophy of “We have always done it this way.” believed by many when it comes to the evolution from traditional hiring practices. Changing processes, and especially mindsets, can make a positive impact and promote growth within a company. Shifting from traditional hiring to skills based hiring takes planning, research, communication and teamwork. For major change to occur in the workplace, senior and executive leadership must champion the cause with Human Resources. Their support and investment will then flow to hiring managers who will be the ones responsible for applying the concept. As buy-in occurs, the momentum shifts, and the ability to hire focusing on skills begins.

How to Get Started with Skills Based Hiring

Now that the organization is ready to progress with skills based hiring, what is next? In partnership with leadership and departments, Human Resources must identify and itemize the particular skills that are essential to perform the functions of the roles in the company. What skills are needed for the company to operate at high productivity? Are there skills our current employees have that contribute to the company’s success?  What skills do we need to maintain or improve operations? Are there skills we’re lacking? Composing an inventory of skills takes time.

Analyze existing job descriptions to identify essential components. Examine requirements closely. While certain fields (ex. Healthcare and Education) require specific credentials for various roles, determine if other roles must have certain criteria required. For management, sales, or service roles, does the job really need a bachelor degree? A degree is not an automatic indicator for success in a role, but job-specific demonstrated skills can be indicators of potential success. 

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Incorporating Skills Based Hiring

After a thorough internal skills assessment, it is time for an organization to take the initiative. They need to reduce the company’s gaps by filling vacant roles. Job posting, when doing skills based hiring, takes diligence to communicate what is essential while removing what is not while using language that is inclusive. Careful wording is essential. According to LinkedIn, job posts that highlight “responsibilities” instead of “requirements” get 14% more applications per view. It takes meticulous review and thought to remove any conscious and unconscious bias. Within the job description, skills based hiring shifts focus from degree(s) attained and experience by targeting potential applicants who meet an itemized list of specific competencies and skills required and preferred for optimal performance.

When creating a skills based job listing, stakeholders must identify the competencies needed for job success. Then you should rank those in priority order. Specify deal breakers by classifying which skills are “must have” and which skills are “would like to have”. Doing so will still filter unqualified applicants but yet not close the door on applicants who have some but not all of the skills listed for success.  According to Harvard Business Review, women will not apply to a job listing if they do not meet 100% of the criteria while men usually apply after meeting about 60% of the criteria. Skills based hiring is meant to identify qualified candidates who can successfully do the job so ensure that required and preferred skills are carefully and accurately labeled. If criteria is labeled incorrectly, an organization will miss out on qualified candidates and impede cultural growth and diversity. 

Helpful Accessories for Incorporating Skills Based Hiring

HR professionals and hiring managers should use their applicant tracking system (ATS) to post their skills based job listings to operate efficiently and select a variety of job boards to post to in one attempt.  As HR and hiring managers screen candidates, communicate quickly with applicants to increase engagement and before they get hired by a competitor. Text or email to set up an initial phone screen. In the phone screen, ask questions which allow the interviewee to share past and current experiences that elaborate upon and validate employer sought skills. Create specific skills based interview guides in the ATS to standardize the interview process. Focus on the goal of finding the right talent instead of the intricacies of degrees earned or not earned. According to McKinsey, hiring for skills is five times more predictive of job performance than hiring for education.


Skills based hiring offers many benefits. It promotes equity for people in their desire to earn a high-paying wage.  Millions of job seekers who were previously overlooked or ineligible for consideration can attain better financial stability in higher paying roles which were previously unattainable to them due to degree requirements. According to LinkedIn, employees without a bachelor degree tend to stay 34% longer than employees without a degree. Organizations benefit with an expanded talent pool to relieve employee shortages and see an increase in employee loyalty. Workforce diversity increases which enhances productivity. Skills based hiring is a win-win for organizations and job seekers. If you would like to see skills based hiring in action with ExactHire’s Full Service Hiring, please reach out to us to discuss how this service can save you time and money.

Stay Interviews

Our team of SHRM certified strategists recently traveled to the 2023 Indiana HR Conference. They came back with a plethora of useful and important information. Over the coming weeks ExactHire will be detailing what we believe to be the most important takeaways from this conference

Stay interviews were a topic of conversation that we felt were an important takeaway. Losing key talent rarely is good. According to Gallup, companies in the United States spend $11 billion dollars annually on turnover. The time and effort Human Resources must go through to start the replacement process is expensive, even if the position is filled internally by an existing employee who is already acclimated to the company. Especially concerning…did the departed employee go to work for the organization’s competitor!?!?  If so, that can be damaging to the company’s income, particularly if the former employee shares company strategies and insight. It is crucial for a company to mitigate turnover before it happens, and one way to do that is by administering “Stay Interviews”.

What are Stay Interviews?

“Stay Interviews”. What’s that you say? A Stay Interview is a proactive method to prevent the loss of talent before it happens. It is a conversation between a company leader (typically a manager) and an employee (typically a direct report) to learn what the employee needs from the company so the employee can be engaged and retained by the company.  It is the opposite of an “Exit Interview”. Exit interviews are somewhat reactive. When Human Resources and/or an employee’s manager conducts an exit interview, it is too late. The employee has submitted their notice to resign, and rarely is there an opportunity to change the employee’s decision to leave.

Exit interviews are useful in collecting reasons why an employee chooses to leave the organization. However, it is often too late for the company to resolve those particular issues affecting that employee which instigated the employee’s choice to work elsewhere.  Exit interview information can be useful if the information collected can be used to make positive change. It can also be used within the organization to prevent future talent from leaving. If there are overarching themes communicated in exit interviews such as pay concerns, work-life balance, or the need for flexibility, it delivers a message to the employer that there is a need to evaluate current working conditions. The company can use the data to review internal design, benefits, working conditions and any other relevant areas. Exit interviews are a crucial way to identify challenges in the workplace. They should be incorporated in a company’s offboarding process.

Why are Stay Interviews Important?

An organization’s goal is to minimize turnover and retain talent. However, talent cannot be retained as effectively if leadership does not know why employees choose to stay. This is why Stay Interviews are valuable. The ultimate goals of Stay Interviews are to prevent turnover and create a supportive work environment that meets employees’ needs. Stay Interviews are typically conducted by an employee’s direct manager. Depending on the work culture and size of the organization, Human Resources can participate also.

When an employee’s direct manager conducts a Stay Interview with an employee, the manager can receive candid feedback that can help strengthen the team and department. It could also damage the relationship if the manager is not skilled in accepting constructive criticism or candid feedback from an employee. If an employee has a contentious relationship with their manager, that employee might not share any instrumental feedback due to fear of repercussions. Keeping these scenarios in mind, it is important that employees have the ability to complete their Stay Interviews with company support. If they do not feel comfortable conducting their Stay Interview with their direct manager, then it is important that HR participate also. 

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Formatting Interviews

Interviews can be crafted in a format that fits best for the company culture. All departments and employee levels should complete a Stay Interview to collect a broad scope of insight. Having a discussion with the manager and/or HR can allow the employee to express their thoughts in more detail. Make it comfortable for the employee. Send a calendar invitation at least a week before the stay interview.  If a standard list of questions are utilized, consider giving the list to the employee prior to meeting so the employee can give genuine thought to formulating their answers.

It is not always easy for an employee to answer on-the-spot, thought-provoking questions relating to one’s employment. There are survey options that can be created and submitted with or without employee names. If surveys are utilized, feedback must be carefully evaluated by management and HR. After that evaluation, sharing the feedback and plan for the suggestions, positives and negatives need to be communicated to the employees for transparency.  While surveys are one option, it does not provide the same candor and facilitate the personal connection as in-person Stay Interviews do. Surveys can be a useful tool to collect supplemental data post-Stay Interview.       

Questions to Consider

Questions can vary somewhat in the context of the company and employee’s role and need to be applicable to onsite and remote employees. Avoid “yes” and “no” questions; the goal of a Stay Interview is discussion. One word answers rarely facilitate in-depth discussion. Here are a few standard questions that should be asked in a Stay Interview:

  1. Each morning, what do you look forward to about working that day? 
  2. What have you learned here? What are you currently learning now? What do you want to learn?
  3. Why do you stay with our company?
  4. When was the last time you thought about leaving our company? Why?
  5. How can I better support you in your role?

Customize the list further, but do not overload the employee with questions. Do more listening, not hearing but actual listening, more than talking. Take notes and follow up on any items in question. The Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) offers a list of questions that an employer can use when conducting Stay Interviews. Keep in mind, for employees who have worked at the company less than six months to a year, collecting their insight should be a part of employee onboarding and not administered as a formal “Stay Interview” as employees need to have time to become acclimated within the work culture and learn the intricacies of their roles. Show genuine appreciation for the feedback shared.


If your organization is not using Stay Interviews with your employees, consider using this concept. Stay Interviews can boost employee engagement which then increases company productivity.  They can decrease turnover and create positive organizational change by maintaining or implementing policies and benefits that increase employee satisfaction. Supplement your conversations with your employees by using your employee onboarding software to communicate events and positive change resulting from feedback collected in Stay Interviews.