17 Details for Your New Hire’s First Day *Don’t Forget!

An employee’s first day of work usually includes a mix of emotions. And although an employer cannot possibly control those emotions, it can be prepared to warmly welcome new hires and eliminate unnecessary stress.  Often times it’s the small details that can make the biggest difference in the new hire experience. So here’s a list of seventeen details that you’ll want to remember in order to make your new hire’s first day perfect.

Map to ExactHire

1. Maps & Amelia Earhart

Everyone can get lost! Be kind and provide an address, accompanied by a map, to show new hires where to park and where to go when they first arrive.


2. Parking Permits

Does your office require a parking permit, or is there a waiting list to get into the parking garage? Your new hire will want to know.


3. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

We aren’t all lucky enough to work in cities with public transit, but if you do and your company has an incentive program, be sure to include those details.


4. Day One Schedule

It is great to have a schedule that provides accurate information. Notify everyone on the team of the new hire’s first day schedule to encourage them to be ready at designated times.


5. Jinx the cat uses the toilet

Please make sure one of the first things you do when a new person arrives to your office is show them where the toilet is. There is no need for peeing in the corner if you know where the toilet is.


6. No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service

Dress codes may be a bit more lax these days, but if there are lines you don’t want crossed, a Working Attire Policy and/or Hygiene Policy should be in place and provided as soon as possible.  Offer a time to discuss any policies to ensure the new hire understands the policies in place and enforced.

7. Hello, is it me you’re looking for?

Cell phones are basically attached to everyone nowadays – if you don’t want your staff playing Candy Crush at their  desk, make sure you let everyone know the rules.

8. Inspirational Cat Pictures

Sending personal emails, social media, and shopping online are great ways to waste time at work. Setting limitations and expectations for internet use at work is becoming more and more important, especially with the constant need for cybersecurity.

9. Bueller?!

Every employee needs to know about allocated sick days, PTO, and any repercussions for going to a parade after calling in sick.

10. Where do you want to eat?

Whether you have a cafeteria, common fridge, or vending machines – it is important that your new hire knows what’s what. At a bare minimum, provide some local lunch places or delivery menus for reference.

11. What makes your office special?

Do you have shared bikes or umbrellas available across your campus? Do you have a ticket concierge to help your employees get the hot tickets around town? Does your office have an annual retreat or summer company picnic? Remember to tell your employees about these things as soon as they come onboard.

12. Benefits

  • 401K – Does the company offer a match?
  • Roth IRA
  • 529 / Educational Savings Account
  • Pension
  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Health
  • Flexible Spending Accounts
  • Pet Insurance
  • Any other optional benefit offered.

13. Mo’ Money > Mo’ Problems

Provide the pay schedule, bonus structures, and commission rates to ensure there isn’t any confusion for the new hire. If you offer direct deposit or use pay cards, provide that information as well. There is nothing like getting your first paycheck late due to a clerical error to put a bad spin on your new job!

14. Drug & Alcohol Policy

Pre-employment drug testing, random testing, and consequences of being under the influence at work need to be identified and defined. Different industries will have different requirements here but in a world where your employee might go somewhere that recreational marijuana is legal, you can never be too safe in making sure that the rules are known up front.

15. Guns

You might be okay with your employees packing heat – maybe you aren’t – but either way, this is a hot topic that should be discussed with your employees on or before their first day at the office.

16. Inter-office Dating

Does your office host speed-dating once a quarter after work? Do you work in an environment where dating co-workers or customers is strictly prohibited? You’ll want to be certain your employees don’t have any questions about the office dating scene.

17. Childcare

Even if your office doesn’t have a childcare facility, you might want to provide resources for your employees that may have just moved to town. Don’t forget about your employees with fur-babies and include any policies on bringing children or pets to work.

Don’t Forget!

The seventeen details above are examples of some important things that often go unmentioned. Your organization may have others as well. To make sure that you are including the right details, you may want to audit your existing onboarding materials to review the level of detail that is included.

Knowing what the important details are is one thing, but remembering to communicate them in a timely manner is another. To make sure that you remember to communicate the details, you can utilize a number of free task management tools available online or you may wish to explore employee onboarding software, which will automate communications and provide a digital repository for reference materials.
