High Engagement Culture Dynamics Whitepaper

How Does a High-Engagement Culture Drive Business Results?

Our world of work is evolving to become more complex and competitive every day. However, the labor force is simultaneously shrinking as a result of shifting generational patterns and a widening skills gap. This clash of variables has created an unprecedented set of dynamics in almost every business environment. Ever-changing technology, globalization, environmental concerns, resource constraints, and a host of other issues are escalating in complexity and competitiveness such that achieving business results is increasingly challenging. Meanwhile, talent pools are shrinking.

The ADVISA whitepaper, The Dynamics of Engagement: A Culture That Works, explores this present-day situation further. Interest in developing high-engagement work cultures has emerged as a strategic response to the tension in the world of work created by

  • the pace of change,
  • increasing complexity,
  • the relentless nature of competition, and
  • a shrinking labor force.

No letup in these pressures is in sight and research shows that high-engagement work cultures help attract and retain top performers, which ultimately grows business results. Given the dynamics of the shifting playing field, it is clear that competition for talent will continue to heat up, further amplifying the strategic importance of engaged work cultures. Even organizations with high engagement can’t stand still — the field will continue to move, and the bar will continue to be raised. The good news for managers and organizations interested in turning up the volume on engagement is that small actions can have a large impact, especially when applied consistently. The aforementioned whitepaper summarizes what leaders and managers can do to better engage their employees in meaningful ways.

In this piece, our partners at ADVISA explore

  • current trends and dynamics affecting today’s labor force;
  • the attributes of high engagement work cultures;
  • the four “Engagement Dials” that leaders have at their disposal as they work to turn up the volume on engagement, and specific actions that could impact each dial; and,
  • how engagement drives business results.
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