Act Like Job is New

Workplace Motivation – Act Like Your Job is Brand New Every Day

We all know that staying motivated at work will more often than not lead to career success…but sometimes this can be a struggle to do, regardless. Now that most people have given up their New Year’s resolutions, here is a good tip to stay motivated at work (as well as in your personal life) throughout the remainder of the year! This seems simple, but sometimes things are easier said than done. Treat your current job as if it were BRAND NEW! Here’s how…

Climbing Up the Corporate Ladder – Make a Plan!

To succeed or advance in your career, you need to be noticed by others of authority in your organization. The most obvious way to do this is to do an excellent job at your current position. Working hard now will pay off down your career path. Now that you know this is what you need today, make a plan on how to execute, making each day another step toward your success. First, think of two other positions within your company that you would like to obtain. Then look at what qualities you have that would make you a good candidate for these jobs. Using this list, create an action plan that showcases your skills.

Differentiate Yourself

Just like when you first started your job, you enjoyed the challenges of what each day would bring. Another way to stay motivated at work is to look at things in a new light – ask yourself, what can I do differently today to still accomplish my goals? Thinking outside the box will help get you noticed by others, making advancement possible and work more challenging and fun. Enjoying your job will likely lead to you being more efficient. Ways to differentiate yourself would be to cross train in another department, join professional groups within your interest areas, seek out special projects and offer help to other staff members whenever possible. Remember to make sure you are still fulfilling your daily job requirements, as well.

Use Your Support Team

Many people don’t like to ask for help, so if you fall into that category, think of it as asking for guidance, instead. Seek out mentors (even if they are not within your organization) who can offer tips on how to succeed or thrive in your current position. Maybe you can take a few classes or network to find similarly-minded people, too. These activities can offer support and improve motivation as you continue your career. Also, speak with your current boss. Let him/her know your action plans and see if he/she has other tips to offer you. If you share your goals with your manager, he/she may be able to help steer you in the right direction of what challenges will best suit you as you work to stay motivated. A happy worker is an efficient and productive one!

ExactHire is a provider of software applications that help companies to automate and improve the recruiting, onboarding and succession planning processes. For more information about our products, please visit our resources page or contact us today.

Image credit: New Beginning by Scott Robinson (contact)
